Recent News
The General Assembly began the 2023 Legislative Session this week. Because this is the first year of a two-year session, a plethora of bills were prefiled and introduced this week on both side of the chamber. Bills of interest to the counties will be found in the Newly-Introduced Legislation below. There was very little legislative action other than the House Ways and Means subcommittees taking testimony on budget requests and the full committee voting out of committee a bill regarding the use of the state American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The Senate indicated it will be taking up an... Read more
Legislative Policy Positions for the 2023 Session are available on our website under the Publications tab.Read more
The timely-reporting of claims is a crucial element of the claims process and should be well supported by the policies and procedures of your county. The Importance of Timely-Reported Claims discusses how to avoid a potential denial of coverage for your county's claims.Read more