County officials and employees may find the following resources helpful when searching for grant funding and low-interest loans. Any specific questions concerning these resources should be directed to the specific agency.
Information on upcoming grant writing workshops can be found on the events of interest page.
NACo Funding Opportunities for Counties Matrix
SC Department of Transportation (SCDOT) to Present 2025 Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Application Workshop - Mar. 31, 2025
Monday, March 31 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, SCDOT will host an in-person application workshop for potential applicants at the SCDOT headquarters in Columbia. People unable to attend in person will be able to view a livestream of the event. Information about the livestream is forthcoming. A recording of the workshop will be available online after the presentation.
For further information or questions, visit SCDOT's website or contact Amy Blinson, SCDOT Transportation Alternatives Program manager at or by calling 803-737-1952.
South Carolina Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center at USC Assists County Governments with Grants
The South Carolina Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (TCTAC) at USC can assist local governments with finding grant opportunities and provide grant-writing technical assistance. They are a statewide, no cost TA provider to local governments looking to apply for funding (typically for environmental solutions to infrastructure and community development challenges).
Visit the TCTAC website or connect with the center at
SC250 Launches Grant Programs for FY25 (July 2024-June 2025)
The South Carolina American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission (SC250) is now accepting grant applications for FY25 (July 2024 - June 2025). SC250’s goals are to inspire education and set up cultural tourism sites that will have an impact on the future.
SC250 offers one $3,000 Non-Competitive Organizing Grant to each official County 250 Committee. This grant is non-competitive so applications are accepted ongoing until May 7, 2025 at 3 p.m. Eastern
SC250 also offers Competitive Grants in the following levels:
- Monthly Grants up to $15,000 (Apply by the first business day of each month at 3:00 p.m. Eastern through June 2, 2025),
- Major Grants from $15,001 to $125,000 (Application deadlines are Dec. 13, 2024, Mar. 26, 2025, and June 26, 2025), and
- Premier Project Grants starting at and above $125,001 (Application deadlines are Dec. 13, 2024, Mar. 26, 2025, and June 26, 2025)
Learn more about the FY25 Grant Programs.
Energy Grant and Funding Opportunities
US Department of Energy announces $18 million for Communities Sparking Investment in Transformative Energy (C-SITE) program
ConserFund Loan
ConserFund is a revolving loan program administered by the South Carolina Energy Office for energy-efficiency improvements in state agencies, public colleges or universities, school districts, local governments, and 501 (c)(3) organizations. The loan program is focused on supporting the implementation of energy-efficient improvements that provide long-term cost reductions and energy savings. Loans range from $25,000 to $500,000 per fiscal year with a maximum 10-year term. More information is available on the SC Energy Office's page.
SCDOT Publishes List of On-Call Consultants for Local Government Project Management Services
All local governments are asked to contact Roxanne Ancheta, SCDOT’s Director of Grants, at least a month in advance if you are planning to apply for a federal or state grant or earmark for a project on the State Highway System. Ms. Ancheta can be reached at (803) 737-1232 or via email at
White House Guidebook on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act/Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
FEMA announced a significant investment in climate resiliency by authorizing $3.46 billion for the 59 major disaster declarations issued due to the COVID-19 global pandemic.
With the growing climate change crisis facing the nation, FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program will provide funding for states, tribes and territories to maximize their investment in mitigation measures that result in safer and more resilient communities. This new funding will allow communities across the nation to further develop capacity and take mitigation actions that will foster greater resilience and reduce disaster suffering.
Across the country, Americans have witnessed the enormous and devastating effects of hurricanes, floods, wildfires, earthquakes and other events. The increasing duration, intensity and severity of such disasters, which are exacerbated by changes in population, land use and weather patterns, are alarming and highlight one of the most important emergency management challenges facing the United States. The impacts of natural hazards on communities, families, individuals and our economy make it imperative to invest in creating infrastructure and communities more resilient to natural hazards.
FEMA encourages state, local, tribal and territorial governments with significant vulnerabilities that lack the resources to invest in mitigation to leverage the funds being authorized through Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.
For more information, visit
The USDA - Rural Development
The Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant program provides affordable funding to develop essential community facilities in rural areas. An essential community facility is defined as a facility that provides an essential service to the local community for the orderly development of the community in a primarily rural area. Learn more & apply on the USDA - Rural Development website.
NACo Grants Clearinghouse — free to any NACo member
National Trust for Historic Preservation
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Grantsmanship Center: South Carolina Funding Sources
S.C. Department of Archives and History — Historic Preservation
S.C. Department of Commerce — South Carolina Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program
S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control
S.C. Department of Transportation
Grant Funding for Local Governments
S.C. Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
S.C. Emergency Management Division — South Carolina Recovery Grants