Conferences and Meetings
SCAC provides many opportunities for county officials to meet and learn, among these are:
Counties Connect: A Legislative Action Day, Institute of Government & County Chairperson's Workshop
Held in late winter in Columbia, this conference enables all county officials to become better informed about the Association's legislative program. The event will include a legislative briefing from SCAC staff and an opportunity to meet with Representatives and Senators at the State House. The Association will host a reception for members of the S.C. General Assembly that evening. Institute classes including the Council Chairperson’s Workshop will be held the following day.
Future Meeting Dates:
Annual Conference & Institute of Government
Each year, SCAC's Annual Conference provides a dynamic educational experience with opportunities for one-on-one interaction, strategizing, small group discussions and large group learning. More than 600 county officials—representing South Carolina's 46 counties—gather to discuss challenges and opportunities, share best practices and attend training sessions that strengthen their capacity to lead and serve.
In addition to an energizing educational program, the meeting offers opportunities to learn more about SCAC's programs and services, and to network with exhibitors and colleagues. Many of the state's top county leaders are also honored with awards and training certificates.
Future Annual Conference & Institute of Government Dates
The Annual Conference will be held at the Wild Dunes Resort, Isle of Palms.
August 4 — August 7, 2025
July 27 — July 31, 2026
July 26 — July 29, 2027
Fall Advocacy Meeting & Institute of Government
Held in October, this meeting enables representatives of all 46 counties to take a leadership role in shaping the Association's legislative policy positions. The Fall Advocacy Meeting provides a time to review recommendations presented by SCAC's steering committees and learn more about critical issues facing county officials.
Future Meeting Dates:
October 14-15, 2025
S.C. Local Government Attorneys' Institute
Held in the fall, this is one of the largest seminars for public sector attorneys in the state. It is attended by attorneys from counties, municipalities and state agencies. The event remains a favorite CLE function—consistently providing a dynamic faculty and valuable opportunities for discussion and networking.
Future Meeting Date:
November 21, 2025
Legislative Conference
Held in December, this conference allows members of the Legislative Committee to discuss and adopt a legislative program for the coming year. The Committee is composed of each council chair along with the Association's Board of Directors.
Future Meeting Date:
December 4-5, 2025
December 3-4, 2026
Newly Elected Council Member Orientation
Held after the November election in even-numbered years, this training is designed to provide insight into the roles and responsibilities of county council members and outline how the Association is a valuable resource to newly elected council members.
Future Meeting Date:
Newly Elected Countywide Official Orientation
Held biannually, this training is designed to provide insight into the roles and responsibilities of county auditors, treasurers, clerks of courts, coroners, probate judges, registers of deeds, or sheriffs and outline how the Association is a valuable resource to newly elected county officials.
Future Meeting Date: