Recent News
NACo recently shared new guidance from the Department of Justice clarifying that people on medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act.Read more
This week in the General Assembly, the Senate continued to debate an education scholarship bill that would allow public funds to be used for students to attend private and religious schools. The House did very little on the floor, continuing to work mostly in subcommittees taking up budget requests and other bills. Governor Henry McMaster also gave his State of the State before the General Assembly on Wednesday evening. Bills of interest are discussed below:
Revenue, Finance and Economic Development
The $1.7 trillion omnibus appropriations bill holds a multitude of consequences for counties.
Highlights include additional flexibility for ARPA investments, full funding for the PILT program, investments in the RECOMPETE pilot program, funding for wildland fire suppression and more.
Read NACo’s comprehensive analysis of the FY 2023 omnibus bill to learn more.
This is the second week of the 2023 Legislative Session of the General Assembly. The Senate spent the week debating an education scholarship bill that would allow public funds to be used for students to attend private and religious schools. The House debated a bill allocating funds distributed to South Carolina in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and continued to work in subcommittees taking budget requests. Bills of interest will be discussed below in this week’s Friday Report.
The South Carolina Association of Counties (SCAC) will host... Read more
A new broadband grant program for internet service providers is being launched through the Office of Regulatory Staff. The program is scheduled to officially open on January 30, 2023, and more information (including a link to the program's documents) will be available at that time. A follow-up e-mail will be sent to you as a reminder.
A virtual webinar through WebEx has also been scheduled to discuss specifics of the grant program in greater detail. Interested parties are highly encouraged to register for and attend the virtual webinar, which will be held on February 2, 2023... Read more