Recent News


The SC Broadband Office is hosting an informational webinar tomorrow, June 24, at 10 a.m. on the ARPA State Fiscal Recovery Fund Grant Programs. This will be a great opportunity to learn more about funding opportunities that are available to the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in our state.

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Presentations from the Summer 2022 South Carolina City/County Managers Association meeting are now available online.


SCAC would like to thank the participants in this year's J. Mitchell Graham and Barrett Lawrimore Memorial Awards Competitions. Videos of this year's presentations for all the participants are available in the

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Marion County Administrator Tim Harper was elected the 2022-2023 President of the SC City and County Management Association on June 18. Harper previously served as president of the SC County Managers, Administrators, and Supervisors Association from 2019-2021.Read more


Greenville County Councilman Butch Kirven and Beaufort County Council Chairman Joe Passiment write a guest op-ed on S.233, Home Rule and User Fees.Read more
