Recent News


The House spent most of its time this week debating an education bill, while the Senate debated an elections bill. The Senate is scheduled to take up the budget on Tuesday.

The House did not take up S. 984 (User Fee Authorization) is scheduled to be heard before a House Ways and Means subcommittee on Tuesday. The subcommittee members are Reps. Rutherford, Gagnon, Dillard, and Huggins. Attached is a list of the full committee members. Please talk to your House members and ask them... Read more


The House was on furlough this week and the Senate was in session on Tuesday only and operated in a perfunctory session for the remainder of the week. The Senate moved bills, including the budget, along in committee and placed an elections bill (H. 4919) in special order status to be taken up next week.

The House should be taking up S. 984 (User Fee Authorization) in subcommittee sometime next week. Please talk to your House members and ask them to support passing S. 984... Read more


The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) establishes accounting reporting standards for state and local governments. South Carolina local governments are required to implement GASB standards. SCAC recently published an article highlighting GASB-87 and GASB-96 – standards that counties are required to soon implement.Read more


The U.S. Census Bureau has released the county population estimates from the past fiscal year, one of the two components that make up the millage rate increase limitation prescribed in §6-1-320(A)(1):

...a local governing body may increase the millage rate imposed for general operating purposes above the rate imposed for such purposes for the preceding tax year only to the extent of the increase... Read more
