Recent News


SCAC is partnering with South Carolina Women in Leadership on MatchBoard, a new web-based platform through which local governments can manage their boards and commissions. This dynamic application will digitize and streamline your boards and commissions management allowing you to post information about boards, recruit diverse qualified applicants, review applications, communicate directly with citizens, and more. MatchBoard is launching November 1st... Read more


The South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs office (RFA) posted the Federal Decennial Census Data as adopted by the State on its website on August 18, 2021. This data is necessary for each county to complete its redistricting process as required by the South Carolina Code of Laws. Specifically, section 4-9-90, SC Code of Laws, provides that all county council districts must... Read more


The July General Fund Revenue Digest and July General Fund Revenue Monitor from the S.C. Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office are now available.

These reports will also be posted on the S.C. Revenue and... Read more


Institute of Government classes recorded at the 2021 Annual Conference are now available online.

The first is Strategic Planning, which is a Level I Elective. This course focuses on the importance of planning and goal setting within the policy-
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