Recent News


The Senate debated and gave second and third readings to the FY 24-25 Appropriations Act (H. 5100) and Capital Reserve Fund (... Read more


The Senate spent most of the week in chamber working its way through the calendar in preparation of the full Senate debate on the budget bill (H. 5100) and Capital... Read more


This just in! The April edition of the COMPASS newsletter has just landed in inboxes and online.

In this months' newsletter:

  • Dive into the latest Wage & Salary Report
  • Learn about millage rate increase limitations
  • Discover valuable grants information
  • Take a look at the legislative landscape after last week's crossover deadline

Sign-up for the County COMPASS and other electronic notifications.Read more


The 2024 session of the South Carolina General Assembly last week reached crossover,  the deadline for when bills must pass from one chamber to the other to stay alive in the process. This offers an opportunity to update you on the status of SCAC’s advocacy work on policy positions this far.

The state budget passed the House and Senate Finance Committee and included increased funding to the Local Government Fund (LGF) by more than $13.8 million statewide, representing full funding to the LGF under statutory formula.

See the updated... Read more

From left Sumter County Coroner Robert Baker,
SCAC Director of Governmental Affairs Kent Lesesne
and Charleston County Coroner Bobbi Jo O'Neal
attended the Senate Judiciary Committee
to support H. 3865 on coroner qualifications.

The Senate Finance Committee adopted its version of the budget bill (... Read more
