Friday Report - February 28, 2025

Dorchester County Register of Deeds Margaret Bailey testifies before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee.
Dorchester County Register of Deeds Margaret Bailey testifies before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee. 

The House continued their work in chamber debating and passing several bills, including the school voucher bill (S. 62), in preparation to debate the budget bill on the floor in a few weeks. House Judiciary Committee members had a busy week in committee and subcommittee meetings debating several bills, including their version of a liquor liability bill (H. 3497). 

The Senate Judiciary Committee met Tuesday to debate their liquor liability (S. 184) and tort reform (S. 244) bills. The committee decided to save all amendments for the floor debate. The Senate then set S. 244 for special order, ensuring debate on the bill next week. Senate Finance Budget subcommittees continued meeting with state agencies and hearing budget requests in anticipation of receiving the budget from the House next month.  

Find more details on these issues and other bills of interest to counties in the full Friday Report

Legislative Session: