Acts That Affect Counties
Acts That Affect Counties is an annual report to the membership designed to provide county officials with a good place to begin a search for new law. This publication generally contains a brief description of those acts passed during the most recent session of the South Carolina General Assembly that affect county government operations. This publication is not designed to be the final word on laws passed in the most recent session. It is important to consult your county attorney when you have a question regarding the law.
The acts in this report are generally listed in ascending order by ratification number. Each new act is entitled by its assigned act number. Underneath and to the left of the act number are two different citations: the ratification number and a Senate or House bill number. Since the act number is permanent, citing to that number is the proper reference when drafting ordinances pursuant to an act, e.g. Act No. 1 of 2018. Underneath and to the right of the act number is the effective date of the act.