Florence County Featured on Viewpoint Project

It’s a great time to be in Florence County! We are excited to share that Florence County has been selected to be part of the Public Television program, “Discover America: Great Places to Live, Work, and Start a Business.”

There are three parts to the program:

  • a feature on the Viewpoint Project, hosted by Dennis Quaid
  • a national commercial
  • a targeted email campaign

The Viewpoint Project will run on more than 170 Public Television stations throughout the United States for a year. It highlights the unique qualities and opportunities that make Florence County an exceptional place for residents and entrepreneurs alike, including its vibrant community, thriving economy and business-friendly environment.

The national commercial will air in prime time on the Fox Business Network, and an additional four times in each of the top 100 markets on Discovery Life. The targeted email will reach 1 million email addresses.

We're excited to see  Florence County in the national spotlight as leaders showcase how the area is a prime destination for those seeking a fulfilling lifestyle and promising career prospects.

Watch the Viewpoint segment.

View the commercial.