House Bills - February 21, 2025

H. 4025 (Ways and Means Committee) — Appropriates funds and generates revenue to cover the ordinary expenses of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2025. It regulates the expenditure of these funds and outlines provisions for the operation of state government during this fiscal year, as well as for other related purposes.

H. 4026 (Ways and Means Committee) — Allocates funds from the capital reserve fund for FY 2024-25 and permits any unused appropriated funds to carry forward into subsequent fiscal years for the same expenditures.

H. 4028 (Reps. Mitchell and Yow) — Enables the governing body of a rural county to suspend the limits on millage increases to support a fire protection district.

H. 4029 (Reps. Hartnett, Wetmore, Kirby, Landing, Bustos, Brewer, Mitchell and Yow) — Makes changes to reportable diseases and conditions, requiring Alpha-gal syndrome to be reported.

H. 4030 (Reps. Chapman, Gagnon, Vaughan, Lawson, M.M. Smith, Sessions, Guffey, Brewer, Gilliam, Whitmire, Brittain, Hager, McGinnis, Davis, Collins, Hiott, Wooten and Sanders) — Enacts the "South Carolina Kratom Consumer Protection Act" to regulate the sale of kratom products and impose penalties for violations.

H. 4031 (Reps. Kilmartin, White, Gilreath and Cromer) — Credits certain fines and fees to the State Highway Fund with no deductions for transfers to the State Transportation Infrastructure Bank.

H. 4042 (Reps. Kilmartin, White, Gilreath, Cromer, Guffey, Harris, Hager, McCravy, Edgerton, Terribile and Magnuson) — Authorizes over-the-counter sales of ivermectin tablets.

H. 4043 (Reps. Kilmartin, White, Gilreath, Cromer, Guffey, Harris, Hager, McCravy, Edgerton, Terribile and Magnuson) — Enacts the "Child Rapist Death Penalty Act" to establish that the death penalty shall be enforced under this section, regardless of previous Supreme Court decisions.

H. 4045 (Reps. Pace, Magnuson and Cromer) — Revises the requirements for county chief librarians and library staff. It prohibits county library boards from requiring or preferring that a chief librarian, library director, or employee be certified by the American Library Association (ALA) or hold a master's degree from an ALA-accredited program.

H. 4046 (Rep. Pedalino) — Requires separate ballot boxes for each individual day of early voting.

H. 4047 (Reps. B.L. Cox, M.M. Smith, Davis and Holman) — Allows the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages at golf courses that are licensed by the state to sell alcohol by the drink on their premises.

H. 4050 (Reps. Wetmore, Stavrinakis, Bustos, Hartnett and Teeple) — For local planning and land development regulations, allows a county to implement a concurrency program. This program provides that as a part of the approval process for a land development plan, the plan must ensure public facilities and services necessary to support the development are adequate to serve that development, based on reasonable and locally documented level of service standards and proportionate costs share such as any impact fees paid by the developer. 

H. 4056 (Reps. Burns and Bannister) — Raises the age for exemption from jury service from 65 to 70.

H. 4057 (Rep. Brewer) — Enacts the “Utility Facilities Crossing or Paralleling Railroads Act," defines terms and establishes the act's applicability. It requires utilities to submit applications, sets standardized fees that utilities crossing or running parallel to railroads must pay to the railroads, allows existing agreements to continue, and provides a dispute resolution mechanism through the Public Service Commission.

H. 4059 (Reps. Bauer, Hosey, Garvin, Cobb-Hunter, Bernstein, Stavrinakis, Dillard, Wetmore, King, Spann-Wilder, Jones, Rivers, Gilliard, Anderson, Kirby, Luck, Rose, Rutherford, Alexander, Grant and Reese) — Enacts the "Freedom to Read Protections and Respect for School Library Media Specialist Autonomy Act."

H. 4060 (Rep. King) — Exempts 42.75% of the net depreciated value of business personal property.

H. 4061 (Reps. Frank, Edgerton, Gilreath, M.M. Smith, Huff, Teeple, Cobb-Hunter, Wickensimer, Hartz, Gagnon and Vaughan) — The "South Carolina Snap Nutrition Integrity Act" mandates that the Department of Social Services apply for a federal waiver. This waiver would enable the state to prohibit the purchase of candy and soft drinks using benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

H. 4067 (Reps. Davis and Sessions) — Mandates that all hospitals with emergency departments must have at least one physician physically present on site who is responsible for the emergency department whenever it is open.

H. 4069 (Rep. Sessions) — Establishes specific requirements related to patient billing for health services and supplies.

H. 4071 (Reps. Landing, Hartnett, Williams, J.L. Johnson, Govan, Wickensimer, Sessions, Teeple and Dillard) — Excludes an assessable transfer of interest for purposes of property taxes when the transfer is made between related descendants to clear the title of heirs' property.