Senate Bills - January 20, 2023
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S. 390 (Sen. Rice) — Limits the amount of a stormwater fee to 15 percent of the amount of ad valorem taxes levied on the property by the local governing body imposing the fee.
S. 392 (Sens. Rice and Alexander) — Reduces the limitation on ownership or control of land in this State by aliens or corporations owned by aliens to 1,000 acres.
S. 393 (Sens. Rice and Stephens) — Provides penalties when vehicles lead officers on high-speed pursuits which have been video recorded.
S. 395 (Sens. Climer, Massey, M. Johnson and Fanning) — Adds Section 8-13-160 to provide that the chapter applies to all persons elected or appointed to a special purpose district that charges a fee or rate to a consumer to provide a service.
S. 399 (Sens. Peeler and Alexander) — Renames the chapter the "Department of Behavioral and Public Health" and reorganizes the chapter to create the Division of Public Health.
S. 403 (Sen. Rice) — Adds Section 7-5-115 so to provide that a person is not allowed to vote in a partisan primary election or partisan advisory referendum unless the person has registered as a member of that political party.
S. 405 (Sen. Campsen) — Requires the Governor to transmit to the Archivist of the United States a certificate of ascertainment of appointment of electors at least six days before the meeting of the electors.
S. 406 (Sen. Campsen) — Provides that ballots cast during the early voting period may begin to be tabulated at the same time as absentee ballots.
S. 407 (Sen. Shealy) — Amends Section 44-53-361(a), relating to prescriptions for opioid antidotes, to provide for it to be offered consistent with the existing standard of care and the FDA.
S. 409 (Sen. Shealy) — Adds Section 22-1-45 to provide that it shall be unlawful for a current member of the Senate to appear as an attorney at law in a magistrate's court located in a county represented by the Senator.
S. 414 (Sens. Gambrell, Massey, Turner, Bennett and Grooms) — Adds Section 44-95-45 to provide that political subdivisions of the state may not enact any laws, ordinances, or rules pertaining to ingredients, flavors, or licensing of cigarettes, electronic smoking devices, e-liquid, vapor products, tobacco products, or alternative nicotine products.
S. 420 (Sen. Rice) — Amends Sections 9-1-1790 and 9-11-90, relating to the amount of compensation that may be earned upon returning to covered employment under the South Carolina Retirement System and the Police Officers Retirement System, respectively, to change the amount that may be earned from $10,000 to an amount not to exceed the lower of the retirement earnings test exempt amounts for individuals below normal retirement age.
S. 421 (Sen. M. Johnson) — Adds Section 27-1-55, to require that the governing documents, rules, and regulations of a homeowners' association must not prohibit a homeowner or a homeowner's tenant from peacefully assembling during reasonable hours.
S. 422 (Sen. M. Johnson) — Adds Section 27-1-65, to provide that a deed restriction, covenant, or a homeowners' association document must not prohibit the installation of a solar energy system that cannot be seen from the street or common area surrounding a residence.
S. 423 (Sen. M. Johnson) — Enacts the "South Carolina Compassionate Care Act."