SC250 Launches First Grant Program

The 250th Anniversary is Here!

The SC American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission (SC250) considers the American Revolution anniversary years 1770-1783 | 2020-2033.

In an effort to ensure that all counties across SC have Sestercentennial programming highlighting their unique role in the American Revolution, the SC250 Commission will be issuing a grant to each county to aid in the formation of their own County 250 Committee and kick start their efforts.

These $3,000 grants are non-competitive, but they are only issued to the "official" County 250 Committee from each SC County upon the completion of a grant application with clearly defined program goals.

Learn More About This Grant Program

How Does A Group Become The "Official" County 250 Committee in Each SC County?

  1. Verify Whether or Not Your County Already Has A Committee
  2. Reach out to SC250 for Guest Speakers and Help with Organizing Your Group
  3. Gather Your County's Stakeholders Making Sure to Be Intentionally Inclusive
  4. Complete a Contact Information Spreadsheet (Sample Available)
  5. Give Your Committee an Official Name (We like [County name] County 250 Committee.)
  6. Have Your County Government Pass A Resolution (Sample Available)
  7. Register with SC250

Learn More About County 250 Committees

Register in the Discover SC Web Grants Program

Applications for the County250 Organizing Grants plus the other 6 programs yet to come will be taken within the Discover SC Web Grants program. A special thanks to SC PRT for allowing us to work within their new online grant management software. Even if you are not applying now, your organization can apply for registration in this cloud-based program now.

Step-by-Step How to Complete Your Registration

Register with Discover SC Web Grants