Webinar Recording on New COVID-19 Federal Supplemental Packages and HR Implications for Counties is Now Available
Local governments are working tirelessly to protect their citizens and employees during the coronavirus pandemic. As employers, many counties are allowing alternate work situations that lead to employee leave questions. The sweeping federal relief packages in The First Families Coronavirus Relief Act (FFCRA) and The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act are extensive and challenging to understand.
During this webinar, Joanie Winters of Winters Law Firm and Chris Johnson of Gignilliat, Savitz, & Bettis LLP provided an overview of how these new federal laws impact the Family Medical Leave Act and provide guidance on other critical employment information.
View the webinar in our Webcast and Webinar Library: https://www.sccounties.org/webcasts-and-webinars#FFCRA