Recent News
Bamberg County Airport hosted a dedication ceremony on March 22 to officially name the airport’s airfield Tobul Field in memory of longtime Bamberg County businessman Jospeh “Joe” Tobul, and to honor the Tobul family. Learn more about the dedication.Read more
The average county in South Carolina is responsible for appointments to 18 boards and commissions. That presents an opportunity for scores of citizens to serve by sharing their expertise and experience for the betterment of their community. It also means county governments have the challenge of providing publicly available information about boards and commissions, recruiting and processing applicants, and managing board memberships at a time when digitization and web accessibility are paramount. MatchBoard, an online platform for managing boards and commissions that connects citizens with... Read more
SC Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA) held a SCIIP/ARPA webinar on Wednesday, June 29 and has posted the recording on their website to be used as a resource.
RIA has also posted the application and set the application due date of September 12, 2022. RIA will be holding four regional meetings around the state and providing time for one-on-one project assistance meetings.
SCDOT Office of Local Government Services provides specialized financial and administrative support, assisting entities with TAP, LPA, and CTC project and program guidelines, responsibilities, and processes from inception through completion. Learn more about the office.Read more