Recent News
The award selection process is underway for FEMA’s Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant program. A total of $500 million of pre-disaster mitigation funding is available for the BRIC program, which includes $20 million set-aside for tribal applications.
The interest in this grant program exceeds the amount of funding available. FEMA received nearly $3.6 billion in applications for Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities grants. This interest demonstrates the true need for hazard mitigation in the United States.
In addition, the... Read more
April's Regulation and Case Law Update is now available online. CAOs/Attorneys are encouraged to forward this update to impacted county departments.Read more
GFOA recently issued recommended guiding principles for local governments to consider as they determine how to best use The American Rescue Plan Act funding. The U.S. Treasury has not yet issued specific guidelines. SCAC will share this information as soon as it is available.Read more
The House passed the budget bill and the capital reserve fund bill and sent them over to the Senate. The House will be on furlough next week. The following week, both the House and Senate will be racing to move bills to meet the crossover date of April 9th. The Senate will meet in-person Tuesday and Wednesday of next week and then meet in perfunctory session on Thursday in observance of Easter. The budget bills along with several other bills of interest will be discussed below.
Revenue, Finance, and Economic Development
- State Budget and the Local Government Fund ... Read more
Act No. 163 of 2020 added a new required element to county comprehensive plans. The new resiliency element requires jurisdictions to consider the potential impacts of flooding or other natural hazards on citizens and the community. This element should be considered in coordination with the relevant jurisdictions adjacent to the county (i.e., municipalities and SPDs.) Counties should begin examining the flood potential or natural hazards and must incorporate resiliency planning in the next 5- or 10-year comprehensive plan review. A... Read more