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This week's Friday Report is being distributed by email only. If you have council or staff members who receive a mailed version of the Friday Report, please share this information with them.

Please check updates regarding COVID-19 response on our website and/or follow social media: @SCCounties on Twitter and ... Read more


SCAC has created an FAQ document outlining questions regarding COVID-19 and county operations. SLED has issued a guidance document regarding the enforcement of the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-10. DHEC has issued a... Read more


The Senate Finance Committee approved funding for SCDHEC to assist in the agency's response to COVID-19 and passed an amendment to house the fund in the Executive Budget Office to provide flexibility for future funding. 

  • Staffing ($14,598,760): DHEC needs additional staffing to support COVID-19 disease surveillance and contact investigation, laboratory testing, and information phone lines.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ($14,806,800): PPE for DHEC's healthcare workers to prevent spread of infection.
  • Staff Support ($5,282,420): Operating costs such as
  • ... Read more

County officials are on the front lines of our public health emergency working daily to keep citizens and employees safe and informed. SCAC stands with our counties and will continue to provide resources regarding legislative updates and implications for county operations.

State Legislative Update

The South Carolina Senate Finance Committee plans to meet on Tuesday, March 17th at 11:00 a.m. to discuss funding related to DHEC’s response to COVID-19 and possibly a Continuing Resolution that would allow state government to operate at current spending... Read more


The House passed the budget on Wednesday and did not meet on Thursday. They will be on furlough until the week of March 23rd. The Senate spent the week working through the calendar while on the floor and debating Santee Cooper in the Senate Finance Committee before reporting their findings to the Senate floor. The Finance Committee voted unanimously to reject the three options (sale, management, or restructuring). The Finance subcommittee tasked with renegotiating the three options met this week but has not made a recommendation. Meanwhile, the House bill (... Read more
