Recent News


Engineer Zachary Pfentner of the Lexington County Fire Service was recently awarded the 2023 Jeffrey Vaden Chavis Medal of Valor by the SC State Firefighters’ Association (SCSFFA).

“To say we are extremely proud of Engineer Pfentner would be an understatement,” Lexington County Fire Service Chief Mark Davis said. “His actions speak volumes about his character, integrity, and he emboldens our motto of ‘Service Excellence’ both on the fire ground and in life.”

One of the SCSFFA’s highest awards to be presented to an individual for their actions in the face of danger, the Medal of... Read more


The SCAC Annual Conference is just weeks away and the 2023 Annual Conference Program is now available online.

We're also excited to announce that this year we have a new app. The app includes full details for the schedule, speaker biographies, and corporate partner/exhibitor information. Visit the App Store or Google Play & search for... Read more


Two keynote speakers will address SCAC’s Annual Conference on Wednesday, Aug. 2 at Wild Dunes Resort.

Bill Stainton is an expert on innovation, creativity, and breakthrough thinking; a 29-time Emmy Award winner; and a Hall of Fame keynote speaker who takes the mystery out of innovation for leaders and their teams worldwide.

For 15 years, Stainton produced the longest-running, highest-rated, and most award-winning regional comedy TV show in the United States. In 2019, he was inducted into the Council of Peers Award for... Read more



The South Carolina Association of Counties continues to advocate on behalf of county government and shape statewide legislation to benefit all South Carolina counties. Some highlights of the 2023 session include:

SC State Budget – H. 4300

SCAC works with legislative leaders to continue to ensure full funding in the Local Government Fund (LGF) and Rural Stabilization Fund. In FY2023-2024, the LGF will increase by over $13 million and $12... Read more


The House and Senate met on Wednesday and finally approved the budget bill (H. 4300). Both chambers also took up several conference reports. The Senate and House also indicated that unless there are budget vetoes by the Governor they consider to be significant, they will not reconvene until January 2024.

The budget and other bills of interest are discussed below:

Revenue, Finance and Economic Development

Budget –... Read more
