Recent News


Congratulations to Dorchester County Government's Risk Management team for its excellent work. The county recently won several awards from the SC Counties Insurance Trusts for their risk management efforts, including:

  • Outstanding Safety Achievement Award  to Dorchester County Parks and Recreation for their joint “Splash into Safety” program with Colleton County Parks and Recreation, Summerville Medical Center, Summerville Family YMCA and Dorchester School District 4
  • Most Improved County Award, which is given to the county who has shown the most improvement in their
  • ... Read more

Horry County Solid Waste Authority (HCSWA) received two awards from the SC Counties Insurance Trusts.  SCAC Insurance Service Director Robert Benfield presented the awards during a recent board meeting.

HCSWA won the Outstanding Safety Achievement Award for its program to identify gas wells. Multiple gas wells were being damaged on a weekly basis by off-road trucks, compactors and large grass-cutting equipment. To ward off future damage, the team installed flashing lights and placed reflective barrels at each gas well location to increase their visibility for vehicle operators... Read more

SCAC Director of Insurance Services Robert Benfield (center) presents the award to Edgefield County Council including  (from left): 

Vice Chairman Albert Talbert, Council Member Jerry Moody, Personnel Director/Risk Manager  Lee Ann Anderson, Council Member Dr. Jacqueline Kennion, and Chairman Dean Campbell.

Edgefield County received the SC Counties Workers’ Compensation Trust Experience Modifier... Read more

SCAC Director of Governmental Affairs
Kent Lesesne testifies before the
Senate Corrections and Penology Committee.

It was a productive week at the State House.

The House debated and passed H. 5164 to revise the Education Scholarship Trust Fund Program enacted in 2023.

The Senate finished debate and gave third reading to the Judicial Merit Selection Reform bill, S. 1046.

Both chambers... Read more


The House this week passed the 2024-25 state budget including an increase to the Local Government Fund. A Senate Medical Affairs subcommittee took up S. 763, a bill that would alleviate the financial burdens placed on counties in the disposal of waste tires. The subcommittee carried the bill over due to last minute concerns from manufacturers. 

Please contact members of the Senate Medical Affairs subcommittee to express your support of passing the bill.

A breakdown of the FY 24-25 Appropriations Act including details on provisos impacting... Read more
