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2022 Acts That Affect Counties is an annual report to the membership designed to provide county officials with a good place to begin a search for new law. This publication contains a brief description of acts passed during the 2022 session

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SCIIP grantees will have three options for funding engineering services going forward

Option 1: Local Funds

Pay for all engineering costs with local (non-SCIIP, non-RIA) funds. Procurement procedures will not be reviewed by RIA.

Option 2: RIA State Grant Funds

Pay for some/all engineering costs with RIA state grant funds awarded in conjunction with SCIIP funds (available only to small or... Read more


SC RIA recently published clarification on three common procurement questions for SCIIP and an updated FAQ. A summary follows:


Preliminary Engineering

Would an engineering firm that prepares preliminary cost estimates, maps or other information for a project would be prohibited from competing for the final design and project engineering contract? The guidance SC RIA has received is that this would not be allowed if SCIIP funds are used to cover any part of an engineering contract. The relevant federal requirement is found in 2 CFR 200.... Read more


The prevention of motor vehicle accidents is a top priority for SCAC Risk Managers. Preventing a motor vehicle accident can eliminate three types of claims—workers’ compensation, auto liability, and auto property damage. Read more about what the SC County Insurance Trusts are doing to mitigate exposure in the 2022 Summer County Focus magazine.Read more
