Local Government Lawyers Converge for Day of Education, Collaboration at SCAC Attorneys’ Institute

Lawyers from across the state recently spent the day collaborating and learning from each other at the 2024 SC Local Government Attorneys’ Institute, hosted by the South Carolina Association of Counties (SCAC).
The Nov. 22 event at the Pastides Alumni Center in Columbia gave local government attorneys an opportunity to earn CLE credits with presentations on the Freedom of Information Act, the impact of artificial intelligence on employment law and the seized animal cost of care legislation as well as an ethics refresher.
“We look forward to hosting this event every year,” said SCAC Director of Governmental Affairs Kent Lesesne. “It’s a great way for attorneys in the state to earn necessary CLE credits as well as a valuable networking opportunity for public sector attorneys.”
Amanda Karras, executive director and general counsel with the International Municipal Lawyers Association, returned to this year’s Attorneys’ Institute to give attendees an update on federal case law. SCAC Senior Staff Attorney John DeLoache gave an update on state case law, and SCAC Staff Attorney John Wienges delivered the legislative update.
This year’s speakers also included Nichole Davis, attorney with McWhirter, Bellinger & Associates, P.A.; Adam Whitsett, general counsel with the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division; Fred Williams, attorney with Bettis Law Group, LLP; David Miller, deputy solicitor with the Second Judicial Circuit Solicitor’s Office; Nicole Paluzzi, general counsel with the Charleston County Sheriff’s Office; and Justin Wyatt, captain with the Horry County Police Department.