J. Michell Graham/Barrett Lawrimore Memorial Awards – Call for Entries

The Association is currently accepting applications for the 2023 J. Mitchell Graham/Barrett Lawrimore Memorial Awards Competition.
The J. Mitchell Graham Memorial Award recognizes counties that address community challenges, implement operational improvements, or enhance their citizens’ quality of life in a unique way. The Barrett Lawrimore Memorial Regional Cooperation Award highlights the growing need for regional partnerships, strategies, and solutions. Competition for this award is open to two or more political subdivisions (counties, cities, districts, or councils of government) that worked together on a project. While state agencies, non-profits, or private companies may be partners, these entities should not be the primary or the only partner in the Regional Cooperation competition.
All applications must be submitted online or received at the SCAC Office by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 21. 
The awards competition will be held at SC ETV in Columbia on May 24, 2023. Applicants who meet the submission deadline and all requirements will be scheduled to present their projects in-person on May 24. The competition will be judged on the written submissions, which will be reviewed by the judges prior to the competition, as well as 10-minute oral presentations.
Please note, competitors may choose to share audio-visual presentation files and videos during their oral presentations; however, videos should not be submitted with written applications as the judges will not review any videos prior to the competition. 
The competition will be livestreamed for all county officials to view. The awards announcements and showcase recognition will take place during the 2023 Annual Conference.
For more information, please see the 2023 Awards Brochure and the Awards Toolkit. The toolkit allows counties to submit their applications online, provides a fillable PDF application, addresses frequently asked questions, and includes examples of previous projects. If you have additional questions, please contact Susan Turkopuls at STurkopuls@scac.sc or Isabella Branham at IBranham@scac.sc.
We look forward to sharing information about your county's innovative efforts!