Recent News


The June General Fund Revenue Digest and June General Fund Revenue Monitor from the S.C. Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office are now available.

These reports will also be posted on the S.C. Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office webpage.Read more


The U.S. Department of the Treasury recently published a new Treasury Recovery Fund FAQ that might help with submission/certification questions, especially those still struggling to register.  This document was composed based on repeated inquiries from counties and is intended to provide answers to many of the questions that have arisen. If your county is still having any problems after reading through the document, please send us the name... Read more


On Thursday, July 8, SCAC hosted a virtual discussion about two recent Supreme Court opinions impacting county government, concentrating on the implications from the decisions in Mercury Funding v. Beaufort County Tax Collector and Burns v. Greenville County on county government budgets and operations. CLE credit has been approved for live participation in this Zoom meeting. The course # is 218175ADO. Attorneys will only be able to get credit if they view the recording and return the evaluation form by 5:00 pm on Monday July 12, 2021.... Read more


This year’s entries to the J. Mitchell Graham/Barrett Lawrimore Competition and COVID-19 Response and Resiliency Showcase were excellent!

If you'd like to review this year's presentations before the winners are announced on August 2 at the Annual Conference banquet, recordings are now available in the Awards Video Library.

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The NACo Telecommunications and Technology Policy Steering Committee recently established cybersecurity priorities and outlined best practices.Read more
