Recent News


This week in the General Assembly, the House spent time on the floor debating and passing the Clementa C. Pinckney Hate Crimes Act (H. 3014). The House will begin debate on the budget bill (H. 4300) on Monday. The Senate debated another education bill (... Read more


SCEMD plans to apply for the new federal Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund program, which if awarded, will provide funding to establish a revolving loan program to support hazard mitigation projects in South Carolina. This program is a potential low-interest (1%) loan to fund qualifying mitigation projects or non-federal match for eligible mitigation projects. Eligible applicants are local government entities in South Carolina that have adopted a FEMA-approved local hazard mitigation plan.

The due date for a ... Read more


GetConnectedSC, a high-speed internet access and adoption campaign to transform how South Carolinians engage with the online world, was recently announced. ... Read more



Clockwise: Dorchester County, Lancaster County, Greenwood County and Georgetown County are honored at the 2023 SC Counties Insurance Trusts Risk Management Awards.

Successfully putting out a two-day landfill fire with no injuries reported from the multiple county, state, volunteer and other agencies involved in extinguishing the blaze.

Implementing QR codes so the public can quickly report issues at county parks.

A safety... Read more





Debbie Summers at the State House

SCAC President Debbie Summers this week received a resolution honoring her as the President of the Association and acknowledging her many accomplishments and acts of service to Lexington County and the Midlands. She is pictured here with House members of the Lexington County Delegation.

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