Recent News


ICMA recently published an article addressing actions local governments can take to avoid ransomware attacks. Find the article on the ICMA website.Read more


Yesterday, SCAC and NACo hosted a virtual briefing on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) for SC county officials. A recording of the briefing and the... Read more


The House took up the budget bill (H. 4100) this week. The Senate met on Tuesday to take up conference committee reports and then met in perfunctory session on Wednesday. The House made several amendments to the bill and sent it back to the Senate. The Senate refused to concur with the House amendments, and the budget is now headed to a conference committee. The Senate conferees are Senators Leatherman, Peeler, and Setzler, while the House conferees are Representatives Murrell Smith, Bannister, and Hayes. No dates have been provided yet as to when the conference committee will meet. The... Read more


The SC Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office (RFA) has launched its newest online solution, Locate Me. This web-based service allows you to locate the census or election district in which you live.

This solution is a web-based service that displays associated districts and census boundaries when an address is entered, or a location is selected on the map. The tool is a comprehensive locator service that also returns population data for... Read more


US Treasury posted an updated FAQs on the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds today, which includes additional clarification on the following:

  • Costs of consultants: Recovery Funds CAN be used to cover the costs of consultants to assist with managing and administering the funds.
  • Public jobs programs:
  • ... Read more
