Camden High Senior Receives 2024 SCAC Board of Directors Scholarship
The South Carolina Association of Counties (SCAC) has named Laina Williams of Camden High School a recipient of the 2024 Board of Directors Scholarship.
Williams is the daughter of Lesley and Craig Corner of Elgin. She is ranked first in her class and is captain of her Quiz Bowl team. Williams is also a member of the National Honor Society and Beta Club.
“It’s an honor to recognize Laina and her incredible accomplishments. Her academic record as well as her service to the community is a wonderful reflection of our county,” said former Kershaw County Council Chairwoman Katie Guinn. “On behalf of County Council, I would like to wish Laina a very bright future. I know she will continue to accomplish great things.”

She is a graduating senior at Camden High School.
Williams plans to attend Winthrop University in the fall where she will study early childhood education. Her experience with the Teacher Cadet program led her to follow in her mother’s footsteps to become an educator.
In addition to her impressive academic record, Williams also demonstrates excellent leadership skills. She served as drum major for the Camden High Marching Band for two years and as president of the school’s Jazz Band.
Outside of school, Williams is active in the community. She volunteers with multiple organizations, including the Red Cross, United Way, food pantries and animal shelters. She also worked as a math and reading tutor for children with the Boys and Girls Club.
SCAC awarded four $5,000 one-time scholarships to graduating high school seniors who are residents of counties chosen by lot, and Kershaw County was among those selected in the 2024 draw.
In addition to Kershaw County, the 2024 scholarship program was available to students in Clarendon, Laurens and Marion counties. Pickens County students were invited to apply for the SCAC Presidential Scholarship, a $5,000 one-time award in honor of SCAC President and Pickens County Council Vice Chairman Roy Costner III.
To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must plan to attend a South Carolina college, university or two-year technical college in the fall.
SCAC’s Scholarship Selection Committee met in the spring to evaluate applicants for the awards. Students who apply must write an essay on their aspirations and educational goals. Recipients are selected based on their essay, grades, school activities and community involvement