House Bills - January 26, 2024

H. 4907 (Reps. Magnuson, Burns, A. M. Morgan, T. A. Morgan, Long, Nutt, S. Jones, Harris, White, Pace, Beach, Chumley, May, Oremus, Trantham, Gagnon, Kilmartin and Lawson) — Enacts the "Consumer Protection from Indemnified Products Act" by adding Chapter 31 to Title 37 to prohibit mandating indemnified products to consumers which would result in certain losses.

H. 4909 (Reps. B. Newton, Neese, Mitchell, and Yow) — Amends Section 7-7-350, relating to the designation of voting precincts in Lancaster County, to remove one precinct and redesignate the map number on which these precincts are delineated.

H. 4910 (Rep. Bustos) — A joint resolution to provide that all scheduled countywide property tax equalization and reassessment plans for all counties are delayed until property tax year 2026.

H. 4911 (Rep. Forrest) — Adds Article 3 to Chapter 1, Title 46, entitled "Aging Petroleum Tank Replacement Program" to define terms and outline program requirements and to designate the existing sections of Chapter 1, Title 46 as Article 1 entitled "General Provisions".

H. 4912 (Rep. Murphy) — Amends Section 12-43-220, relating to assessment ratios for ad valorem taxation, to allow certain civilian employees of the Department of Defense to continue to claim the special 4% assessment ratio when the civilian receives certain orders for a change of station.

H. 4927 (Reps. Herbkersman, W. Newton and G. M. Smith) – Amends Section 1-30-10, relating to departments of state government, to dissolve several departments and create the “Executive Office of Health and Policy” and provide for the duties of the secretary of the office.

H. 4928 (Rep. Davis) – Amends Section 25-21-10 to allow the board of trustees for the Veterans’ Trust Fund of South Carolina to fundraise and make disbursements from the trust fund in support of fundraising activities.

H. 4929 (Reps. Bustos, Ballentine, Brewer, Gatch, Harnett, Hewitt, Landing, Leber, McCabe, Pedalino and Wetmore) – Adds Section 48-1-92 to require persons who discharge certain pollutants into the waters of the state to be liable for all response, containment, and cleanup costs.

H. 4931 (Reps. Felder, Bernstein, Calhoon and Dillard) – Adds Section 16-23-540 to create the offense of criminally negligent storage of a firearm, define necessary terms, and establish penalties for violations.

H. 4932 (Rep. Bauer) – Amends Sections 16-17-722 and 23-47-80, relating to the offenses of filing false police reports and making unlawful 911 emergency calls, to require offenders to pay restitution for violations.

H. 4933 (Reps. Wooten and G. M. Smith) – Amends Section 56-5-5015, relating to sunscreen devices, to provide that the provisions of the section do not apply to law enforcement vehicles.

H. 4934 (Reps. Mitchell, Gilliam, Pace, Yow, Murphy, Guffey, Pope and Sandifer) — Amends Section 8-7-90, relating to leaves of absence for public officers and employees in National Guard or reserve military forces, to provide that certain state employees receive 45 days of paid military leave each year.

H. 4935 (Reps. Bustos, Leber, Hartnett and Landing) – Enacts the "Secure, Accurate, and Verifiable Elections Act" by adding Section 7-5-200 to require the use of paper poll books only at voting locations throughout the state.

H. 4936 (Reps. Sessions, Pope, Guffey and Ligon) – Amends Section 12-37-220, relating to property tax exemptions, to provide that the exemptions under this section only apply to the percentage of qualifying property that equals the nonprofit housing corporation’s ownership interest. If the ownership interest exceeds 50%, then the exemption applies to 100% of the qualifying property.

H. 4937 (Reps. Collins, Hiott and Carter) — Amends Section 7-7-450, relating to the designation of voting precincts in Pickens County, to authorize the Pickens County Board of Voter Registration and Elections, with approval from a majority of the Pickens County legislative delegation, to locate a polling place within five miles of a precinct's boundaries if no suitable location exists within the precinct.

H.4938 (Rep. Crawford) – Amends Sections 56-3-253, 56-3-376, 56-3-377, and 56-3-385, relating to biennial vehicle registration periods, to establish annual registration periods, among other things.