House Bills - January 17, 2025


H.3005 (Rep. Taylor) — A concurrent resolution to express the General Assembly's unwavering support for the Electoral College.

H.3006 (Rep. King) — A concurrent resolution to acknowledge the General Assembly's belief that a felony conviction should no longer disqualify a person who is no longer incarcerated from being registered to vote or from voting.

H.3007 (Reps. G. M. Smith, W. Newton and Taylor) — A concurrent resolution for South Carolina, under Article V of the United States Constitution, to call for a convention of the states for the specific purpose of proposing an amendment to the United States Constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government through a balanced budget amendment.

H.3008 (Reps. Forrest, G. M. Smith, and W. Newton) — A concurrent resolution to apply for a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution to propose a congressional term limits amendment.

H.3012 (Reps. Pope, McCravy, Chumley, Taylor and Vaughan) —  Enacts the "Pregnancy Center Autonomy and Rights of Expression (CARE) Act" by adding Chapter 141 to Title 44 to provide pregnancy centers certain protections from government regulation to ensure their ability to provide services consistent with their life-affirming operating principles.

H.3015 (Rep. Rutherford) — Amends Section 44-34-110, relating to certain restrictions on locations of tattoo facilities, to allow the issuance of a license for such a facility if all churches, schools and playgrounds within the parameters affirmatively state they do not object to the issuance, with exceptions.

H.3016 (Rep. Rutherford) — Adds Section 63-19-815 to require law enforcement officers to comply with certain requirements before interrogating a child who has been taken into custody for violating a criminal law or ordinance, and to provide that any admission or confession of a child may not be admitted into evidence if the confession or admission was not made in the presence of the child’s parent, guardian, custodian or attorney. Finally, the bill provides the child with several rights once they have been taken into custody.

H.3018 (Rep. Rutherford) — Amends Section 44-53-370, relating to controlled substance offenses and penalties, to legalize the possession of 28 grams or 1 ounce or less of marijuana or 10 grams or less of hashish by certain veterans diagnosed with service-connected post-traumatic stress disorder.

H.3019 (Rep. Rutherford) — Enacts the "Put Patients First Act" by adding Article 22 to Chapter 53, Title 44 to authorize registered patients to use marijuana for medical purposes and for physicians to recommend the medical use of marijuana for those patients.

H.3021 (Rep. Rutherford) — Enacts the "Small Business Regulatory Freedom Act" by adding Section 1-23-285 to require the Small Business Regulatory Review Committee to conduct an initial review of regulations pending reauthorization and to make recommendations to the General Assembly for retaining or removing regulations.

H.3022 (Reps. M. M. Smith, Guest and Kirby) — Amends Section 43-21-130, relating to the Long-Term Care Council, to correct references to certain agencies with membership on the council.           

H.3026 (Reps. Beach and Chumley) — Amends Section 17-15-30, relating to bond and matters to be considered in determining conditions of release, to require a circuit court judge to set or deny bond and determine conditions of release of people charged with crimes that carry maximum sentences of three years or more and who are suspected of being illegal immigrants.

H.3027 (Reps. M. M. Smith, Guest and Kirby) — Amends Section 43-35-25, to exempt the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program and its representatives from reporting maltreatment of vulnerable adults if such reporting would violate federal law.

H.3028 (Reps. Bailey, Pope and Chumley) — Amends Section 16-25-120, relating to release on bond and factors to consider when granting bond for violent offenders and domestic violence offenders, to allow the court, in lieu of setting bond or as an additional condition of release on bond to place a person charged with a domestic violence offense on surveillance via an active electronic monitoring device.

H.3030 (Rep. Burns) — Requires county and municipal law enforcement agencies, upon learning of illegal operations, to bring undocumented individuals to this state and to cooperate fully with the U.S Attorney's Office to start Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act-based seizures of all assets used in the efforts to import undocumented individuals.

H.3031 (Reps. Chumley, McCravy and Beach) — Amends Section 16-11-420, relating to intent and findings of the General Assembly relating to the Article commonly referred to as Stand Your Ground, to include places of worship.

H.3033 (Reps. Chumley and Magnuson) — Amends Section 2-19-5, relating to South Carolina Judicial Merit Selection Commission creation, appointment and terms, to require attorney-legislators who serve on the Commission to recuse themselves from the vote and screening process of judges or justices they appear before or have appeared before in the preceding five-year period.

H.3034 (Reps. Collins, Wooten, Mitchell, Pope, Chapman and Pedalino) — Enacts the "Fargo’s, Hyco's, Rico's, Coba's, Wick's, and Mikka's Law" by amending Article 11 of Chapter 3, Title 47, relating to taunting, tormenting, injuring or killing police dogs or horses, to expand the conduct that results in a violation, increase the penalties, require restitution to the law enforcement department or agency, and make technical changes.

H.3037 (Rep. Garvin) — Amends Section 17-13-20, relating to circumstances when citizens may make an arrest. The bill would limit the circumstances in which a citizen may make an arrest, including taking the life of the person, to when a person has entered a dwelling house in the nighttime without express or implied permission.

H.3038 (Rep. Garvin) — Adds Article 21 to Chapter 3, Title 16 by enacting the "Sexual Assault Survivors' Bill of Rights Act."

H.3039 (Reps. Gilliard and Spann-Wilder) — Enacts the "Senator Clementa C. Pinckney Hate Crimes Act."             

H.3040 (Rep. Gilliard) — Amends Section 16-23-440, relating to discharging firearms at or into dwellings, structures, enclosures, vehicles or equipment, and associated penalties to expand the purview of the offense to certain nonexclusive places.

H.3041 (Rep. Gilliard) — Adds Article 9 to Chapter 31, Title 23 to make it unlawful to sell or give a firearm to a person whose name appears on the terrorist watch list.

H.3042 (Reps. Wooten, Carter, J.L. Johnson and Guffey) — Amends Section 16-17-470, relating to the crimes of eavesdropping, peeping and voyeurism, to require law enforcement agencies to destroy items when no longer needed as evidence and to require notification of additional potential victims by law enforcement agencies.

H.3044 (Reps. Guffey, Magnuson, Chumley and Beach) — Adds Section 23-3-435 to allow a court to order surgical castration for offenders 18 or older convicted of certain Tiers II and III sex offenses for which they must register on the sex offender registry when victims are 13 or younger.

H.3047 (Rep. Moss) — Amends Section 16-11-700, relating to the dumping of litter on private or public property, exceptions and penalties, to include balloons in the litter statute.

H.3048 (Reps. W. Newton, G.M. Smith, Robbins, Pope, Chapman and Pedalino) — Amends Section 17-5-130, to revise coroner qualifications and require a fingerprint and background check of coroners before the General Election.

H.3049 (Reps. W. Newton, Pope and Taylor) — Enacts the "Uniform Civil Remedies for Unauthorized Disclosure of Intimate Images Act."

H.3050 (Reps. Pope, Robbins and W. Newton) — Amends Section 22-3-10, to increase the civil jurisdiction of magistrates court from $7,500 to $25,000.

H.3051 (Reps. Blackwell and Pope) — Amends Section 44-23-430, relating to hearings on a person's fitness to stand trial, to require the circuit court to order inpatient treatment of people determined unfit to stand trial in certain circumstances.

H.3052 (Reps. Guffey and Pope) — Adds Section 16-3-605 to create an enhanced penalty for assault and battery convictions against an educational professional or law enforcement officer during the performance of their official duties.

H.3053 (Rep. McDaniel) — Amends Section 16-1-60, relating to offenses defined as violent crimes, to include the offense of discharging, or causing to be discharged, firearms at or into a dwelling house, other building, structure or enclosure regularly occupied by people.

H.3054 (Reps. Taylor and Spann-Wilder) —  A joint resolution proposing an amendment to Section 9, Article III of the South Carolina Constitution, relating to sessions of the General Assembly. The resolution provides that that in the event of war, social unrest, contagious disease, epidemic, pandemic, natural disaster or act of god, if it is unsafe to the health and well-being of the members of the General Assembly to meet at the seat of government, at the determination of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the members of the General Assembly may meet in annual session using remote and virtual technology. 

H.3059 (Rep. Rutherford) — Adds Section 16-17-485 to define the term "tracking device," to create the offense of unlawful tracking, to provide a penalty and to provide exceptions.

H.3064 (Rep. Rutherford) — Amends Section 17-5-535, relating to people authorized to view photographs and videos of an autopsy, to restructure the circumstances under which photographs and videos of an autopsy may be disseminated.

H.3069 (Rep. Rutherford) —  To provide that cases in which the penalty for a crime does not exceed $5,500 or three years imprisonment may be transferred from general sessions court to magistrates or municipal court. The current threshold is $5,500 or one year imprisonment.

H.3070 (Rep. Rutherford) — Amends Section 15-78-60, relating to the Tort Claims Act and exceptions to waiver of immunity, to delete the exception for institution or prosecution of any judicial or administrative proceeding.

H.3071 (Rep. Rutherford) — Amends Section 14-23-1040 to revise the qualifications of probate judges.

H.3072 (Rep. Rutherford)— Amends Section 17-5-130, relating to coroner qualifications to provide that a candidate for coroner in this state must be a resident of the county in which they seek the office of coroner at the time they file for the office rather than one year before filing.

H.3083 (Reps. Gatch, Lawson, Mitchell and Pope) — Amend Section 48-1-110, relating in part to unlawful discharges of air contaminants, to prohibit the emission of any air contaminant whose purpose is to affect temperature, weather, or sunlight intensity.

H.3090 (Reps. Pope and Gilliam) — Adds Section 44-130-65 to authorize civil and criminal penalties for failing to seek treatment for opioid use disorders in certain circumstances.

H.3093 (Reps. Moss, Lawson, Pope, Chapman, Pedalino and W. Newton) — Amends Section 16-3-600, relating to assault and battery offenses, to add that assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature occurs when a person injures a healthcare worker or emergency response employee in the discharge of or because of their official duties.

H.3099 (Reps. Oremus, Trantham, Magnuson, Pope and Guffey) — Amends Section 44-34-110, relating to the prohibition of licensing tattoo facilities within a certain proximity to churches, schools, or playgrounds, to allow issuing a license with the express approval of any such church, school, or playground.

H.3102 (Reps. King and McDaniel) — A concurrent resolution encouraging the United States Congress to enact legislation imposing term limits for the Supreme Court of the United States and commending the court for imposing an ethical justices' code of conduct.

H.3110 (Rep. Garvin) — Amends Sections 44-53-370, 44-53-375, and 44-53-450, all relating to controlled substance offenses and penalties, to decriminalize possession of 28 grams or one ounce or less of marijuana or 10 grams or less of hashish and authorize law enforcement to issue a civil citation for possession of that same quantity of marijuana or hashish.

H.3113 (Reps. Dillard, Pope, Garvin and Beach) — Amends Section 63-7-40, relating to infant safe havens, to allow for the use of newborn safety devices, and for other purposes.

H.3115 (Reps. Cobb-Hunter, Spann-Wilder and McCravy) — Amends Section 44-63-110, relating to fees charged for copies of birth certificates, to waive the fees for homeless people.

H.3116 (Reps. Bustos, Pope, Chapman and Spann-Wilder) — Adds Section 48-6-90 to require the Department of Environmental Services to implement regulations prohibiting the discharge of certain chemicals into the state's waterways and drinking water supplies.

H.3118 (Reps. Burns, Magnuson, McCravy and Beach) — Adds Chapter 23 to Title 63 to provide that parents have fundamental rights regarding the upbringing, education, and care of their children.

H.3120 (Rep. Beach) — Adds Section 44-7-55 to require hospitals that accept Medicaid to collect data on the immigration status of patients to share with the Department of Public Health for reporting to the Governor and the General Assembly.

H.3121 (Rep. Beach) — Enacts the "Live and Let Live Act" by adding Article 2 to Chapter 32, Title 1 to prohibit the state government from discriminating against certain individuals and organizations based on their beliefs regarding marriage and a person's sex.

H.3122 (Rep. Beach) — Adds Section 16-17-780 to prohibit the operation of vehicles on the beaches of this state unless operated by an authorized governmental employee.

H.3124 (Reps. Pope, Gilliam, Lawson, Wooten, Pedalino, McCravy and W. Newton) — Amends Section 44-53-370, relating to controlled substance prohibitions, to create criminal penalties associated with the intentional or unintentional exposure of first responders to fentanyl or fentanyl-related substances while performing official duties, with exceptions.

H.3126 (Rep. Pope) — Adds Chapter 2 to Title 23 to create the "South Carolina Department of Law Enforcement and Public Safety."

H.3131 (Reps. Rutherford and Taylor) — Adds Section 23-1-235 to prohibit law enforcement agencies from purchasing cell-site simulator technology or devices.

H.3134 (Rep. Rutherford) — Adds Section 23-1-235 to prohibit law enforcement agencies from purchasing cell-site simulator technology from companies that require purchasers to enter into nondisclosure agreements.

H.3135 (Rep. Rutherford) — Adds Section 24-13-185 to ensure inmates are not denied visitation rights under certain circumstances and electronic communication devices may be used to allow inmates to communicate with visitors.

H.3139 (Rep. Rutherford) — Amends Section 23-23-80, relating to South Carolina Law Enforcement Training Council’s powers and duties, to authorize the Council to establish a course to train law enforcement officers on aspects of executing warrants and minimum standards to certify or recertify eligibility to conduct the execution of warrants.

H.3141 (Rep. Rutherford) — Adds Section 24-3-990 to provide inmates confined in state or local detention facilities must be allowed at least one in-person meeting each month and defines the term "in-person meeting."

H.3144 (Reps. Rutherford and Spann-Wilder) — Adds Section 24-3-990 to ensure inmates confined to state, county, or municipal detention facilities are not prohibited access to legal counsel when requested under certain circumstances and defines the term "in-person meeting."

H.3146 ( Rep. Rutherford) — Amends Section 44-63-110, relating to fees charged for copies of birth certificates, to waive the fees for homeless people.

H.3147 (Rep. Rutherford) — Adds Section 24-3-975 to provide state, county, or municipal jail, or detention facilities shall not intercept, record, monitor, or divulge telephone communications between inmates and other people under certain circumstances.

H.3151 (Rep. Rutherford) — Amends Section 56-5-5015, relating to sunscreen devices, to revise the permitted level of light transmission for sunscreening devices installed on the windshields, side windows, and rear windows of motor vehicles.

H.3155 (Rep. Rutherford) — Adds Section 23-1-235 to provide only certain entities may use an automatic license plate reader system.

H.3158 (Rep. Yow) — Adds Section 56-2-140 to define the term "utility terrain vehicle" and provide for the registration and operation of them on the highways and streets of the state.

H.3159 (Reps. Yow and Pedalino) — Amends Section 23-31-600, relating to retired personnel, identification cards, and qualification for carrying concealed weapons, to provide at no charge, the State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) shall issue concealed weapon permits under certain circumstances to certain holders of qualified retired law enforcement officer credentials.

H.3160 (Rep. Rutherford) — Enacts the "Uniform Antidiscrimination Act" by adding Section 31-21-65 to prohibit discrimination in housing on the basis of race, color, or national origin.

H.3161 (Rep. Rutherford) — Amends Section 30-4-40, relating to matters exempt or prohibited from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act,  to prohibit the disclosure of recordings of telephone conversations of inmates and their visitors made by the facility in which the inmate is incarcerated.

H.3163 (Reps. M.M. Smith, Lawson, Pope, Spann-Wilder and McCravy) — Amends Section 42-11-30, relating to occupational diseases compensable under workers' compensation and conditions presumed to have arisen out of and in the course of employment for firefighters, to revise presumption entitlement criteria to include conditions developed while actively on duty instead of actively engaged in firefighting.

H. 3165 (Rep. Wooten) — Adds Section 6-29-550 to require a county to report a residential development plan to a city under certain circumstances relating to the local comprehensive planning process. 

H.3168 (Reps. Bailey and McCravy) — Adds Section 47-5-65 to provide under the indirect supervision of a veterinarian, certain animal control authority officials may administer rabies vaccinations.

H.3177 (Reps. Garvin and Spann-Wilder) — Adds section 24-3-185 to require the Department of Corrections to inform inmates in writing the process by which to have their voting rights restored after their release from custody.

H.3178 (Reps. Garvin and Spann-Wilder) — Amends Section 53-5-10, relating to state legal holidays, to make the 19th day of June—Juneteenth— a state legal holiday.

H.3180 (Rep. Gilliard) — Amend Sections 16-23-220, 16-23-230, and 16-23-240, all relating to the unlawful transportation, storing, keeping, or possessing, and sale, rental, or giving away of machine guns, military firearms, sawed-off shotguns or rifles, respectively, to include assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in the list of items banned by the provisions of the statutes.

H.3182 (Reps. Haddon, Mitchell, Magnuson, McCravy, Chumley, Taylor and Forrest) — Proposes an amendment to the South Carolina Constitution by adding Section 26 to Article I to provide that all individual citizens in this state have the inalienable right to grow, raise, harvest, produce, and consume food of their own choosing.

H.3186 (Reps. Long, Magnuson and Chumley) — Adds Section 60-11-75 to make plaques, markers, or other messages on historical monuments and memorials on property owned by political subdivisions of the state or school districts subject to review and approval by the Department of Archives and History.

H.3188 (Reps. Long and Magnuson) — Adds Section 40-80-65 to set out procedures through which a fire department that assumes the cost of training a firefighter may be reimbursed for these costs by other fire departments that subsequently hire the firefighter within a certain time period.   

H.3189 (Rep. King) — Adds Section 6-1-165 to guarantee school district board, municipal council, and county council members are entitled to place items on the agenda of any public meeting of the board or council on which they serve.

H.3193 (Rep. J.L. Johnson) — Enacts the "Trump Criminal Background Records Check Ban Act" by adding Section 41-1-35 to encourage and contribute to the rehabilitation of criminal offenders.

H.3202 (Reps. Davis, Pope and Spann-Wilder) — Adds Section 38-71-148 to require health insurance policies in this state to provide diagnostic and supplemental breast examinations coverage without cost-sharing requirements.

H.3211 (Rep. Collins) — Adds Section 40-1-35 to provide people who have current and valid employment authorizations approved by federal immigration authorities are eligible for occupational or professional licensure if all other applicable requirements are met.

H.3213 (Rep. Chumley) — Places a moratorium on the enforcement of architectural review ordinances for commercial properties until July 1, 2028.

H.3215 (Reps. Burns, Martin and McCravy) — Adds Section 6-1-200 to require certain local planning and permitting entities to review and render decisions on applications for building permits, certificates of occupancy, zoning variances and appeals, or other licenses within 45 calendar days after submission or the application must be deemed approved

H.3221 (Rep. Ballentine) — Amends Section 6-5-15, relating to securing deposits of funds by local entities, to include provisions concerning credit unions and the national credit union share insurance fund. 

H.3222 (Rep. Bailey) — Amends Section 4-9-145, to revise the means for determining the limit on the number of litter control officers that a county may appoint and commission. 

H.3224 (Rep. Garvin) — Adds Section 41-1-35 to provide that no job application may include questions related to convictions of a crime, unless the crime for which the applicant was convicted directly relates to the position of employment sought or the occupation for which the license is sought.

H.3226 (Rep. Garvin) — Adds Section 41-1-125 to provide a base state minimum wage and a schedule to gradually implement an adjusted minimum wage to $10.10 per hour over a three-year period.

H.3227 (Rep. Gatch) — Adds Section 38-75-70 to require insurers to offer insurance coverage for loss or damage resulting from an earthquake to all policies issued in this state.

H.3230 (Reps. Gilliard and Spann-Wilder) — Amends Section 6-1-35, relating to preservation and protection of cemeteries, to authorize the governing body of a county or municipality to adopt by ordinance the requirement that cemetery owners and operators shall maintain, preserve, and protect the cemetery, and to provide enforcement procedures.

H.3234 (Reps. Gilliard) — Adds Section 41-1-115 to prohibit an individual's credit score from being the basis of any personnel action, to provide penalties if a person’s credit score is used as the basis of a personnel action, and to define necessary terms.

H.3235 (Rep. Gilliard) — Creates the "Coastal Structural Stability Study Committee" to examine current measures for inspecting commercial buildings that are six floors or more in height constructed along the South Carolina coast and on the Charleston peninsula to evaluate their structural soundness.

H.3238 (Reps. Gilliard and Spann-Wilder) — Adds Section 31-3-60 to require public housing authorities and agencies to provide certain housing to displaced residents.

H.3243 (Reps. Gilliard, Spann-Wilder and Garvin) — Adds Section 1-11-775 to require the state health plan to provide coverage for lactation care and services beginning with the 2027 plan year.

H.3249 (Reps. McCravy, Gilliam, Vaughan, T. Moore, M. M. Smith, Willis, Burns and Chumley) — Enacts the "South Carolina Dependent Maternity Coverage Act" by adding Section 38-71-142 to require all health insurers operating in South Carolina that provide coverage for dependents up to age 26 to include maternity care coverage for those dependents, to the extent not preempted by federal law.

H.3253 (Reps. W. Newton, Pope, Pedalino, Chumley and Taylor) — Proposes repealing Section 4, Article 11 of the South Carolina Constitution, relating to the prohibition against the state or its political subdivisions from providing direct aid to religious or other private educational institutions.

H.3259 (Reps. Pope, Gilliam, Lawson, Chapman, Pedalino and McCravy) — Adds Section 38-77-128 to prohibit insurers or agents from considering the work-related driving record of a first responder in determining the premium rate for the first responder's personal automobile insurance policy.

H.3261 (Reps. Pope, Gilliam, Lawson, Chapman, Pedalino and McCravy) — Adds Section 42-9-50 to provide the requirements for a first responder to file a workers' compensation claim for a stress or mental injury unaccompanied by a physical injury.

H.3262 (Reps. Pope, Ligon and Chumley) — Amends Section 6-9-65, relating to the regulation of construction or improvements of farm structures, to exempt certain converted farm structures used for public or private events.

H.3267 (Reps. Rutherford and Spann-Wilder) — Amends Section 38-77-140, relating to bodily injury and property damage limits, to require $150,000 limits for bodily injury resulting in death.

H. 3268 (Rep. Rutherford) — Adds Section 4-1-190 to provide that the county legislative delegation may, by the adoption of a resolution, appoint the members of a county recreation commission that was established as a special purpose district prior to the adoption of home rule. 

H.3272 (Rep. Rutherford) — Enacts the "Ban the Box Act" by adding Section 41-1-23 to prohibit job applications from including questions related to criminal convictions unless the conviction directly relates to the employment or licensure sought.

H.3275 (Rep. Rutherford) — Amends Section 40-5-310, relating to practicing law or soliciting the legal cause of another without being enrolled as a member of the South Carolina Bar, to provide that no person may practice law unless he is licensed by the South Carolina  Supreme Court, and to delete the requirement that a person be a member of the South Carolina Bar.

H.3276 (Reps. Pope, Robbins, Chapman, W. Newton, Taylor and Forrest) — Enacts the "South Carolina Hands-Free and Distracted Driving Act" by amending Section 56-5-3890, relating to unlawful use of a wireless electronic communication device while operating a motor vehicle, to outline the circumstances under which it is unlawful to use a wireless mobile electronic device.

H.3281 (Reps. McCravy, Gilliam, Vaughan, T. Moore, M.M. Smith, Willis, Burns, Chumley, Lawson, Mitchell, Pope, Rankin, Martin, Chapman and Pedalino) — Adds Article 18 to Chapter 3, Title 23 to create the "Fallen First Responder Survivor Advocate" position within SLED and provide its duties and responsibilities.

H.3283 (Reps. Long, McCravy and Chumley) — Amends Section 16-23-20, relating to unlawful carrying of handguns and exceptions, to delete the restriction placed on the carrying of weapons into college athletic events.

H.3284 (Reps. Long, Lawson, Pedalino and Chumley) — Amends Section 56-5-1538, relating to emergency scene management and definitions, to revise the definition of the term "emergency services personnel" to include tow truck operators.

H.3285 (Reps. Landing, Spann-Wilder and Garvin) — Adds Section 23-23-57 to provide law enforcement officers are required to complete continuing law enforcement education credits in autism spectrum disorder.

H.3288 (Reps. J.L. Johnson and W. Newton) — Amends Section  23-1-240, relating to body-worn cameras, to provide people who are subjects in data recorded by body-worn cameras may request and must receive recorded data without pursuing actions under the rules of criminal procedure or civil procedure, or by obtaining court orders.

H.3289 (Reps. J.L. Johnson and Pedalino) — Amend Section 23-47-10, to define the term "first responder" and by adding section 23-47-85 to provide 911 professional first responders are entitled to certain benefits.

H.3292 (Reps. Hixon, Pedalino, W. Newton and Forrest) — Amends Section 56-2-105, to provide certain municipalities and counties may enact ordinances to allow golf carts to operate in designated areas within their jurisdictions at night.

H.3293 (Reps. Hardee, Pedalino, W. Newton and Forrest) — Adds Section 56-2-140  to define certain terms, and for the registration and operation of utility terrain vehicles on the highways of this state.

H.3295 (Reps. Hardee and Pope) — Adds Section 23-1-260 to require companies that maintain in-vehicle security systems for motor vehicles to release vehicle location information to law enforcement agencies in emergency situations.

H.3297 (Rep. Ballentine) — Adds Section 59-40-250  to provide for additional per pupil funding for charter schools with a certain poverty index or located in a certain county.

H.3298 (Rep. Beach) — Adds Section 12-6-1230 to provide that overtime income is exempt from certain taxes.

H.3299 (Reps. Beach, Pope, Magnuson and Chumley) — Enacts the "Citizenship Verification Act" by adding Section 23-1-260  to require law enforcement agencies to check the immigration status of people arrested through the United States Department of Homeland Security Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program.

H.3303 (Reps. Hixon and Taylor) — Adds Article 3 to Chapter 7, Title 58 to establish provisions relating to petroleum pipelines, to provide for applications, permitting, and hearings, to set requirements for rendering final orders and to provide for rehearings and to communicate regulations.

H.3305 (Rep. W. Newton) — Adds Article 7 to Chapter 3, Title 15 to establish the "South Carolina Public Expression Protection Act," regarding a cause of action asserted in a civil action based upon a person's communication in certain circumstances and to establish requirements for these proceedings.

H.3306 (Reps. Rutherford and Spann-Wilder) — Amends Section 14-8-10, relating to the Court of Appeals, to increase the number of judges from nine to 15.

H.3307 (Reps. Rutherford and Spann-Wilder) — Adds Section 58-12-15 to require a cable service provider to issue refunds to customers due to an interruption in service.

H.3308 (Reps. Beach and Magnuson) —  Enacts the "Defend the Guard Act" by adding Section 25-1-1930  to provide that the South Carolina National Guard may not be released from the state into active-duty combat unless the United States Congress has taken certain actions.

H.3309 (Reps. G.M. Smith, Gatch, Herbkersman, Pope, B. Newton, Wooten, Robbins, Mitchell, Chapman, W. Newton, Taylor and Forrest) —   Enacts the "South Carolina Energy Security Act" to promote the development of new and reliable energy infrastructure resources to ensure that the state is able to meet the surging energy demand brought on by both economic development and population growth.

H.3310 (Reps. Burns, Magnuson and Chapman) —  Adds Section 7-5-115  to provide that a person is not allowed to vote in a partisan primary election or partisan advisory referendum unless the person has registered as being a member of that party.

H.3311 (Reps. Burns and Magnuson) —  Adds Section 7-13-1625  to provide that any voting system purchased for use in South Carolina must use hand-marked paper ballots that are counted by hand.

H.3312 (Reps. Chumley and McCravy) —  Amends Section 56-10-225, relating to the maintenance of proof of insurance in a vehicle, to clarify that a motor vehicle may not be confiscated based on a violation of this section.

H.3315 (Rep. Collins) — Amends Section 22-5-190, relating to warrants issued in other counties or by municipal authorities, to authorize correctional officers to serve warrants issued by municipal jurisdictions within the same county on a person incarcerated in that county's jail or detention center without the necessity of a magistrate endorsing the warrant.

H.3318 (Rep. Gilliard) — Amends Section 7-13-190, to eliminate runoffs for special primary elections., to eliminate runoffs for special primary elections.

H.3319 (Reps. Guffey and Chapman) — Amends Section 7-25-180, relating to the unlawful distribution of campaign literature, to declare certain conduct within the proximity of an entrance to a polling place or early voting location unlawful.

H.3320 (Rep. Burns) — Adds Article 2 to Chapter 1, Title 1 to provide that Eastern Standard time is permanently the standard time in South Carolina with no further adjustments under state or federal law. Standard time is permanently the standard time in South Carolina with no further adjustments under state or federal law.

H.3321 (Rep. Burns) — Adds Section 8-13-1115 to provide that an appointed state official who does not raise campaign funds does not need to file a statement of economic interest or campaign disclosure form with a local governing body, a county, or with the state.

H.3322 (Reps. Caskey and Pope) — Adds Section 12-2-150 to provide that questions of law decided by a court must be made without any deference to any determination or interpretation made by the Department of Revenue.

H.3323 (Rep. Chumley) — Enacts the "Telephone Solicitation Act" by adding Chapter 31 to Title 37 to provide definitions, prohibit certain telephonic sales calls, and prohibit certain commercial telephone sellers from using certain technology.

H.3324 (Rep. Chumley) — Adds Section 10-1-220 to provide for an African American Confederate Veterans monument.

H.3325 (Reps. Chumley and Pedalino) — Adds Article 2 to Chapter 1, Title 1 to provide that the time known as Eastern Standard time is advanced by one hour beginning at 2:00 a.m. on the second Sunday of March 2025, and thereafter, becomes the permanent standard time in South Carolina.

H.3332 (Rep. Collins) — Adds Section 12-37-130 to provide that the General Assembly must annually, by joint resolution, impose a statewide millage on all real and personal property subject to property tax in this state for raising revenue for public school operations.

H.3333 (Reps. Davis and B.J. Cox) — Amends Section 31-12-30, relating to redevelopment of federal military installations definitions, to provide that a redevelopment project also includes certain affordable housing projects and to increase the time limit of which an obligation must be issued from 15 to 35 years.

H.3334 (Reps. Davis, Mitchell, Chapman, Pedalino and McCravy) — Enacts the "South Carolina Government Efficiency Act" to create the South Carolina Government Efficiency Task Force to develop recommendations for improving governmental operations and reducing costs.

H.3335 (Reps. Dillard and Spann-Wilder) — Amends Section 33-1-103, relating to designation of representation in magistrates court, to include housing authorities.

H.3336 (Reps. Dillard and Garvin) — Amends Sections 31-21-40, 31-21-50, and 31-21-60, all relating to housing discrimination, to provide that an individual may not be discriminated against due to disability or source of income.

H.3340 (Reps. Forrest, Wooten, Mitchell, Pope, Chapman, Spann-Wilder, Pedalino and Chumley) — Amends Section 51-3-65, relating to fee structure adjustments for state parks, to offer discounts to certain military members, retirees, and veterans. 

H.3341 (Rep. Garvin) — Adds Sections 31-21-65, 59-63-41, and 45-9-11 to make it unlawful and against public policy of this state in housing, education, and public accommodations to discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national origin, including discriminating against certain facial features, hair textures, hair types, and hair styles associated with race.

H.3342 (Rep. Garvin) — Adds Section 38-71-48 to require all health insurance and group health benefit plans to cover hearing aids and replacement hearing aids.

H.3343 (Reps. Gilliam, Pope, Lawson, Wooten, Robbins, Mitchell, Chapman, Pedalino, McCravy, Chumley, W. Newton, Taylor and Forrest) — Adds Section 27-1-80 to prohibit certain companies owned, in whole or in part, by the People's Republic of China or the Chinese Communist Party from owning, leasing, possessing, or exercising any control over any land or real estate located within 50 miles of a state or federal military base or installation for the purpose of installing or erecting certain towers.

H.3344 (Reps. Gilliam, Pope, Mitchell, Pedalino, McCravy and Taylor) — Adds Section 11-1-130 to prohibit certain contracts with certain foreign-owned companies in connection with critical infrastructure.

H.3350 (Reps. Guest, B. Newton, Pope and Taylor) — Amends Section 27-30-160, to provide that the magistrates court has jurisdiction over all matters between a homeowner and a homeowners’ association.

H.3352 (Reps. Guest, B. Newton, Pope and Taylor) — Amends Section 12-43-220, relating to special 4% assessment ratio, to prohibit an assessor from requiring an applicant to provide income or other confidential tax records.

H.3353 (Rep. Rutherford) — Proposes an amendment to Article 17 of the Constitution, outlining that the General Assembly, in certain areas of the state, may provide for the conduct of gambling and gaming activities on which bets are made to include pari-mutuel betting on horse racing; sports betting on professional sports; casino activities. The revenue realized by the state and local jurisdictions is to be used for highway, road, and bridge maintenance, construction, and repair. 

H.3355 (Rep. Rutherford) — Adds Section 6-1-200 to authorize the local governing body of a county or municipality to impose a community charge on nonprofit hospitals and institutions of higher learning, to provide guidelines for the method of determining the charge, and to provide certain collection measures.

H.3356 (Rep. Rutherford) — Proposes an amendment to Section 14, Article 17 of the Constitution to allow the General Assembly to restrict the sale of certain products, substances, or services determined by the General Assembly to be unreasonably hazardous, perilous, or unsafe to people until they are 21.

H.3357 (Rep. Gilliard) — Creates the "Shipping Transportation and Port Bridge Safety Study Committee" to examine current state and federal safety standards and measures concerning the navigation of large vessels under major waterway bridges while entering or leaving harbors, ports, and canals in this state.

H.3358 (Reps. G.M. Smith, B. Newton, Bannister, Caskey, Lawson, Mitchell, Pope, Chapman, Spann-Wilder, Pedalino, McCravy, W. Newton, Taylor, Forrest and Hewitt) — Amends Section 12-37-220, to exempt the $10,000 of net depreciated value of business personal property., to exempt the $10,000 of net depreciated value of business personal property.

H.3359 (Rep. M.M. Smith) — Amends Section 12-21-2420, relating to exemptions from the admissions tax, to exempt admission to any agrotourism activity., relating to exemptions from the admissions tax, to exempt admission to any agrotourism activity.

H.3360 (Reps. Yow and Mitchell) — Amends Section12-36-2130, relating to use tax exemptions, to exempt an all-terrain vehicle purchased or leased in another state if the purchaser paid the sales tax in the other state.

H.3361 (Rep. Pope) — Adds Section 1-7-409 to prohibit a county from reducing its funding for circuit solicitor operations.

H.3362 (Rep. Oremus) — Amends Section 12-67-140, relating to the South Carolina Abandoned Buildings Revitalization Act, to allow such income tax credits to be transferred.

H.3363 (Reps. B. Newton, Ligon, Pope, Sessions, Guffey, Martin and Pedalino) — Amends Sections 9-11-10 and 9-11-40, both relating to the Police Officers Retirement System, to outline certain conditions by which the Catawba Nation may become an employer for purposes of the system.

H.3366 (Reps. Long, Lawson, Magnuson, Pedalino, McCravy and Chumley) — Adds Section 13-1-55 to prohibit the Department of Commerce from offering or awarding incentives to certain companies owned or controlled by the People’s Republic of China or the Chinese Communist Party, and to prohibit any company receiving an incentive from contracting with such prohibited companies.

H.3367 (Reps. Long, Lawson, McCravy, Chumley, Taylor and Forrest) — Amends Section 12-43-220, to provide that rollback taxes only apply to the previous tax year instead of the previous three tax years.

H.3368 (Reps. Long and Forrest) — Amends Section 12-6-1120, relating to modifications to gross income for individual income tax purposes, to exclude overtime pay and certain bonus pay from gross income.

H.3370 (Reps. J.L. Johnson and Spann-Wilder) — Amends Section 1-1-696, relating to the official state language, to include the Gullah language.

H.3371 (Rep. Hixon) — Amends Section 12-21-2420, relating to admissions tax, to exempt admissions charged by certain nonprofit business leagues and chambers of commerce.

H.3373 (Rep. Hixon) — Amends Section 11-50-30, relating to the South Carolina Rural Infrastructure Authority, to direct the Authority to provide staff support and assistance for the South Carolina Infrastructure Facilities Authority and the South Carolina Water Quality Revolving Fund Authority.

H.3374 (Reps. Hardee, Mitchell and Chumley) — Amends Section 12-37-250, relating to the homestead exemption, to require that a person be a state resident for at least five years, instead of one year, to obtain the exemption.

H.3375 (Rep. Guffey) — Adds Section 1-11-499 to require all state agencies, departments and political subdivisions to prohibit the electronic devices it manages from access and use of websites and applications, such as TikTok, that threaten cybersecurity and infrastructure from foreign and domestic threats.

H.3376 (Rep. Gilliam) — Repeals Section 4-10-470 relating to counties in which the education capital improvements sales and use tax may be imposed.

H.3377 (Rep. Garvin) — A joint resolution to provide that a statewide advisory referendum on the question of whether South Carolina should participate in Medicaid expansion must be conducted by the State Election Commission at the same time as the 2026 General Election.

H.3378 (Reps. Burns, Chumley, McCravy and Forrest) — Amends Section 12-37-2120, relating to property tax exemptions, to exempt all property from taxation except for millage imposed for the repayment of general obligation debt and to provide a fixed dollar-for-dollar reimbursement to political subdivisions.

H.3380 (Reps. Gilliam, Pope, Mitchell, Pedalino, McCravy and Taylor) — Adds Section 11-1-130 to prohibit certain contracts with certain foreign-owned companies in connection with critical infrastructure.

H.3381 (Reps. Beach, Lawson, McCravy, Chumley and W. Newton) — Adds Section 6-1-200 to provide that any business where drag shows are held is deemed to be a sexually oriented business for all local ordinances relating to a sexually oriented business. The bill also prohibits state agencies, political subdivisions, and any entity that is supported in whole or in part by public funds from using public funds to host or provide a drag show.

H.3384 (Rep. J.L. Johnson) — Amends Section 16-11-700, relating to the prohibition on dumping litter on private or public property, to increase the penalties for violations.

H.3385 (Reps. Wooten and Forrest) — Amends Section 24-3-130, relating to use of inmate labor for certain public projects, to delete references to the construction of work camps.

H.3386 (Reps. Taylor, McCravy and Chumley) — Adds Section 7-13-870 to prohibit the use of ranked choice voting or instant runoff ballots in elections in the state.

H.3387 (Reps. G.M. Smith, W. Newton, B. Newton, Robbins, Mitchell, Pope, Chapman, McCravy, Chumley, Taylor and Forrest) — Adds Article 3 to Chapter 37, Title 27   to provide an alternative remedy to remove people unlawfully occupying a residential dwelling.

H.3389 (Rep. Rutherford) — Amends Section 16-11-450, relating to immunity under the Protection of Persons and Property Act, to grant a person the right to appeal a court finding that the person is not entitled to immunity notwithstanding a subsequent guilty plea to the same underlying offense. 

H.3392 (Reps. Moss, Lawson, Chapman and Pedalino) — Amends Section 16-3-600, to add that assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature occurs when a person injures a healthcare worker or emergency response employee in the discharge of their official duties.

H.3393 (Rep. Moss) — Adds Section 16-11-700, relating to dumping litter on private or public property, to revise the penalties for littering offenses.

H.3395 (Rep. Long) — Provides that the General Assembly shall rescind, repeal, cancel, nullify, and supersede, as if they had never been passed, all still existing applications by the General Assembly to the United States Congress to call a convention to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

H.3396 (Reps. Long, Magnuson, Rankin, McCravy and Chumley) — Adds Section 7-5-115 to, among other things, provide that a person is not allowed to vote in a partisan primary election or a partisan advisory referendum unless the person has registered as being a member of that party or is registered as an independent.

H.3397 (Rep. Gilliard) — Adds Section 31-3-60 to provide that personal property belonging to a tenant removed from a public housing unit must be stored for six months and to require the public housing authority to meet certain notice requirements.

H.3398 (Reps. King and Spann-Wilder) — Amends Section 7-5-120, relating to persons disqualified from registering or voting, to delete language disqualifying people convicted of a felony or offense against the election laws.

H.3401 (Reps. Guffey and Pope) — Adds Chapter 31 to Title 37 to provide that a governmental entity may not communicate with a social media platform in certain instances and to provide exemptions.

H.3403 (Reps. Guffey and Chumley) — Amends Section 6-29-720, relating to zoning districts' regulations, to provide that the governing body of a municipality or county may not enact ordinances that regulate certain political signs.

H.3408 (Reps. Haddon, Forrest, Gilliam, Ligon, Taylor, Mitchell, Pope, Magnuson, Pedalino, McCravy, Chumley and Hewitt) — Adds Section 27-1-80 to provide that certain companies owned, in whole or in part, by any United States-declared foreign adversary may not own, lease, possess, or exercise any control over any real estate in this state and to provide that fraudulent transactions are void.    

H.3409 (Reps. Haddon, Robbins, Pope and W. Newton) — Amends Section 12-6-3515, relating to the income tax credit for conservation or qualified conservation contribution of real property, to increase the amount of the credit allowed.

H.3410 (Reps. Hardee, Pope, Martin and Chapman) — Amends Section 12-37-220, relating to property tax exemptions, to provide a property tax exemption for two private passenger vehicles owned or leased by any permanently and totally disabled former law enforcement officer, former emergency medical technician, or former firefighter.

H.3416 (Reps. Kilmartin, Wooten, Pope, Magnuson and Martin) — Adds Section 12-6-1172 to exempt the retirement income of first responders and law enforcement officers.

H.3418 (Reps. Landing, Pope and Chumley) — Adds Section 27-1-80 to provide that a property owner may request the immediate removal of a person unlawfully occupying a residential dwelling and to provide for a complaint form.

H.3419 (Reps. Long, Lawson, Pope, Magnuson, Spann-Wilder and Chumley) — Amends Section 12-37-250, to increase the homestead exemption amount from the first $50,000 to the first $150,000 of the fair market value.

H.3421 (Reps. Long, Magnuson, Pedalino, McCravy and Chumley) — Adds Section 9-16-57 to provide that the Retirement Investment Commission may not invest public employee retirement funds in certain companies owned, in whole or in part, by the People's Republic of China or the Chinese Communist Party.

H.3423 (Reps. McCravy, Gilliam, Vaughan, Burns, Chumley, T. Moore, M.M. Smith, Willis, Lawson and Rankin) — Adds Section 48-6-90 to require certain fuel stations to have pre-wiring for a backup generator.

H.3424 (Reps. McCravy, Gilliam, Burns, Chumley, Willis, Vaughan, T. Moore, M.M. Smith, Lawson, Mitchell, Pope, Rankin, Martin and Forrest) — Enacts the "South Carolina Property Tax Relief for Seniors Act" by amending Section 12-37-250, to increase the homestead exemption amount from the first $50,000 to the first $1 million of the fair market value.

H.3425 (Rep. McDaniel) — Adds Section 27-30-137 to prohibit a homeowners’ association from paying utility bills on behalf of the homeowner.

H.3427 (Reps. Moss, Lawson, Mitchell, Pope, Pedalino and Chumley) — Enacts the “South Carolina Property Tax Relief for Seniors Act” amending Section 12-37-250, to increase the homestead exemption amount from the first $50,000 to the first $100,000 of the fair market value.

H.3428 (Reps. Moss and Pedalino) — Amends Section 11-35-1524, relating to resident vendor preference under the Consolidated Procurement Code, to provide that for the purpose of making an award determination, a procurement officer must decrease a bidder's price by two percent if the bid is submitted by a business owned by a service-disabled veteran residing in this state.

H.3429 (Reps. B. Newton and Caskey) — Amends Section 12-6-3695, relating to alternative fuel property income tax credit, to provide for certain leases, to add electrical equipment to the definition of "eligible property," and to add electricity to the definition of "alternative fuel."

H.3430 (Reps. B. Newton, Murphy, Caskey, Mitchell, Pope and W. Newton) — Adds Section 11-7-70 to provide for the appointment of the State Auditor by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate.

H.3432 (Rep. W. Newton) — Amends Section 27-6-20, relating to nonvested property interest or power of appointment, to increase the time an interest can vest from 90 years to 360 years. 

H.3437 (Reps. Pope, Guffey, Gilliam, Lawson, Wooten, Mitchell, Magnuson, Martin and Chapman) — Amends Section 9-1-1790, to provide that the earnings limitation upon return to covered employment in the South Carolina Retirement System does not apply in certain instances.

H.3441 (Reps. Yow and Pedalino) — Amends Section 25-11-40, relating to County Veterans' Affairs Officers, to designate county veterans' affairs officers as county employees and to provide that the county legislative delegation may remove them.

H.3442 (Reps. Taylor, Mitchell and Pope) — Amends Section 36-1-201, relating to the definition of "money" to provide that money does not include a central bank digital currency.

H.3444 (Reps. Rutherford, Spann-Wilder and Grant) — Amends Section 53-5-10, to make the 19th day of June – Juneteenth - a state legal holiday.

H.3445 (Rep. Rutherford) — Amends Section 12-43-220, to allow a taxpayer's spouse to also claim the 4% assessment ratio on a residential property.

H.3446 (Reps. M.M. Smith and Pope) — Amends Section 51-3-60, relating to the use of facilities free of charge by aged, blind, or disabled veterans, to add to the list of valid forms of identification.

H.3447 (Rep. Rutherford) — Adds Section 27-30-130, relating to the enforceability of a homeowners association's governing documents, to provide that certain provisions in governing documents must comply with certain requirements.

H.3450 (Rep. Rutherford) — Amends Section 25-1-440, to prohibit the Governor, in an emergency proclamation or declaration, from stopping the sale of alcoholic beverages before 12 a.m. by holders of certain types of licenses.

H.3452 (Reps. Rutherford and Grant) — Amends Section 61-6-4160 to provide that the sale of alcoholic liquors on Sunday may be authorized in a county or municipality by referendum.

H.3453 (Reps. Rose, Pope and Spann-Wilder) — Amends Section 59-111-20 to provide that a veteran's child qualifies for free tuition if that child has been a South Carolina resident since birth.

H.3456 (Rep. Collins) — Proposes an amendment to Section 1, Article XI of the South Carolina Constitution to abolish the State Board of Education.

H.3457 (Reps. McCravy, G. M. Smith, Hiott, Bailey, Burns, Chumley, B. J. Cox, Edgerton, Gibson, Gilliam, Haddon, Hager, Hayes, Herbkersman, J. E. Johnson, Jordan, Lawson, Ligon, Long, McCabe, Oremus, Pace, Pope, M. M. Smith, Vaughan, White, Willis and Yow) — Enacts the "Human Life Protection Act" by adding Section 44-41-615 to prohibit all abortions in the state of South Carolina, with an exception for medical emergencies.

H.3458 (Reps. Jones, Spann-Wilder, and Grant) — Enacts the "Religious Institutions Affordable Housing Act" by adding Section 31-1-60 to allow a religious organization to build certain affordable housing and maintain its property tax-exempt status.

H.3459 (Reps. W. Newton, B. Newton, Pedalino and Taylor) —  Amends Section 7-1-25, relating to the meaning of "domicile" for voting purposes, to remove certain factors from consideration in determining a person's domicile, and to clarify that a person is considered to have changed their domicile if they register to vote or vote in another jurisdiction.

H.3460 (Reps. Wooten, Wetmore, Bernstein, Erickson, Neese, Sessions, Guffey and Pope) — Adds Section 1-17-142 to authorize a law enforcement officer, a circuit solicitor, or the Attorney General to require the disclosure of electronic communications and other related records by a provider of an electronic communication service or remote computing service under certain circumstances.

H.3461 (Reps. Lawson and Pope) — Amends Section 12-6-1120, relating to gross income, to exclude certain first responder wages.

H.3463 (Reps. Lawson, Pope and Pedalino) — Amends Section 12-37-220, relating to property tax exemptions, to provide that certain surviving spouses of members of the Armed Forces of the United States that died from a service-connected disability are eligible for the exemption. 

H.3464 (Reps. Bowers and McCravy) — Enacts the "Small Business Emergency Preparedness Income Tax Credit Act" by adding Section 12-6-3830 to provide an income tax credit for a small business that purchases a generator.

H.3466 (Rep. Jones) — Enacts the "South Carolina Community Jobs Act" by adding Section 12-6-3830 to provide an income tax credit for an eligible employer that hires certain employees.

H.3467 (Reps. Jones and Spann-Wilder) — Amends Section 12-37-220, to provide a property tax exemption for certain affordable housing and by adding Section 59-17-180 to authorize a school district to use surplus land for the development of certain affordable housing.

H.3469 (Rep. Jones) — Amends Section 12-37-220, to provide a property tax exemption for certain accessory dwelling units.

H.3470 (Rep. Collins) — Adds Section 59-17-35 to require all counties have one countywide school district no later than July 1, 2027, and adds Section 59-17-36 to provide for the consolidation of countywide school districts by July 1, 2032.

H.3472 (Reps. McCabe and W. Newton) — Amends Section 62-3-1201, relating to collection of personal property by affidavit, to increase the limit of a small estate from $25,000 to $50,000.

H.3473 (Rep. McCabe) — Amends Section 48-14-40, relating to certain land-disturbing activities exempt from the State Stormwater Management and Sediment Reduction Program, to include agricultural structures used to house livestock, poultry, crops, or other agricultural products, material or equipment.

H.3474 (Rep. Stavrinakis) — Amends Section 58-23-1610, relating to definitions applicable to the Transportation Network Company Act, to revise the definition of "personal vehicle" and by amends Section 58-23-1610, relating to definitions, to revise the definition of "prearranged ride."

H.3475 (Reps. Stavrinakis and McCravy) — Amends Section 2-17-30 to require an additional report when a lobbyist has performed lobbying activities or had other work-related contact with a member or employee of the Public Service Commission or the Office of Regulatory Staff.

H.3485 (Reps. McDaniel and Pedalino) — Amends Section 11-7-20, to provide the State Auditor shall annually audit each county, county agency and office, municipality, municipal agency and office, judicial office, and school district.

H.3487 (Rep. Stavrinakis) — Adds Section 38-3-105 to provide for the election of the director of the Department of Insurance in the General Election and provide for the director's term of office, qualifications, vacancy, and related matters.

H.3490 (Reps. Bernstein, Stavrinakis, Pope and Spann-Wilder) — Amends Sections 8-11-150 and 8-11-155, to increase the time for paid parental leave for eligible state employees from six weeks to increase the time for paid parental leave from six weeks to 12 weeks for employees who give birth and from two weeks to four weeks for entitled employees who do not give birth.

H.3491 (Rep. Cobb-Hunter) — Proposes an amendment to Article 17 of the South Carolina Constitution by adding Section 16 to establish a specified procedure for the enactment or repeal of laws and constitutional amendments by initiative petition and referendum and to provide exceptions.

H.3494 (Reps. McDaniel and Pedalino) — Adds Section 12-51-180 to provide that if the state is under a state of emergency, then no county treasurer may foreclose on real property.

H.3495 (Rep. McDaniel) — Adds Section 1-6-37 to authorize the State Inspector General to investigate a county, municipality, or nonprofit entity that receives state funds and to specify the manner in which investigations may be initiated.

H.3496 (Rep. McDaniel) — Adds Section 4-1-190 to require a county to consult with other affected taxing entities before entering into a fee in lieu of property taxes agreement, to require the county to issue an annual report detailing distributions, and to require the state treasurer to withhold certain funds from the county if the property distributions are not disbursed.

H.3499 (Rep. Pace) — Proposes an amendment to Article 10 of the South Carolina Constitution, by adding Section 17 to establish a taxpayer's bill of rights that requires voter approval for new and increased taxes and fees and limits increases in certain revenue.

H.3501 (Reps. Stavrinakis and Garvin) — A joint resolution to ratify a proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America providing that equality of rights under the law must not be denied or abridged on account of sex.

H.3503 (Reps. Bustos and Spann-Wilder) — Adds Sections 44-96-295 and 48-20-45 to prohibit the Department of Environmental Services from issuing any permit for the construction of a solid waste management facility or for mining activities, respectively, if located within a certain proximity to a public park or other public natural area.

H.3507 (Reps. Stavrinakis and Spann-Wilder) — Proposes an amendment to Article I of the South Carolina Constitution, to create a constitutional right to make and carry out one's own reproductive decisions, including the right to an abortion, with exceptions, and for other purposes.

H.3509 (Rep. Chumley) — Adds Section 45-2-65 to provide for the removal of certain park guests under certain circumstances.

H.3510 (Rep. Gilliam) Amends Section 25-11-40, to provide that the Secretary of the South Carolina Department of Veterans' Affairs will appoint one county veterans' affairs officer for each county in the state and to provide that the General Assembly will appropriate the necessary funds for two full-time employees in each county veterans' affairs office.

H.3511 (Reps. Pope, Robbins, Lawson, Mitchell, Martin, Chapman and Pedalino) — Amends Section 12-37-250, to increase the homestead property tax exemption amount from the first $50,000 to the first $100,000 of the fair market value.

H.3512 (Reps. Stavrinakis and Spann-Wilder) — Enacts the "South Carolina State Employee Equal Pay for Equal Work Act" by adding Article 12 to Chapter 11, Title 8 to prohibit discrimination by gender regardless of gender in compensation paid state employees for the same kind, grade, and quality of state employment.

H.3513 (Rep. Stavrinakis) — Adds Section 6-1-780 to provide that a penalty, fine, or other additional cost may not be imposed with respect to local hospitality tax payments received within seven days of the due date that in the aggregate exceeds 5% of the delinquent tax.

H.3514 (Reps. Wooten, Mitchell, and Pedalino) — Adds Section 11-1-130 to provide that state departments, agencies, institutions, and political subdivisions may not use public funds to purchase certain flags unless the flags are made in the United States.

H.3515 (Rep. Beach) — Amends Section 7-5-320, relating to change of address forms submitted for purposes of a driver's license also serving as notification of change of address for voter registration purposes, to clarify that this section applies to any change of address submitted to the Department of Motor Vehicles regardless of form.

H.3516 (Rep. Burns) —  Amends Section 56-3-212, relating to,  the time period in which a newly acquired vehicle or vehicle moved into this state must be registered and licensed, to permit the operation of such vehicles within this time period so long as the bill of sale and proof of insurance are maintained in the vehicle at all times.

H.3517 (Rep. J.L. Johnson) — Adds Section 7-25-230 to prohibit the distribution of deceptive and fraudulent deepfake media of a candidate within 90 days of an election unless the media includes requisite disclosure language.

H.3518 (Reps. J.L. Johnson and Grant) —   Enacts the "Election Official Protection Act" by adding Article 3 to Chapter 25, Title 7 to establish offenses for certain acts or conduct against an election official.

H.3519 (Rep. Pope) — Adds Section 17-13-180 to require a South Carolina business to treat a subpoena, court order or warrant issued by another state as if the subpoena, court order or warrant was issued by a South Carolina court.

H.3520 (Rep. Bustos) — Enacts the "South Carolina Street Gang and Criminal Enterprise Prevention and Anti-Racketeering Act."

H.3525 (Reps. J.E. Johnson and Spann-Wilder) — Amends Section 14-1-2115, relating to training and technical assistance for municipalities and counties regarding crime victim funds, to change a reference from the Department of Crime Victim Assistance Grants to the Department of Crime Victim Compensation.

H.3526 (Rep. Magnuson) — Amends Sections 3, 8, and 13, Article V of the South Carolina Constitution relating to the election of Supreme Court Justices, Court of Appeals judges and Circuit Court judges, respectively, to allow them to be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the General Assembly rather than being elected by the General Assembly.

H.3530 (Reps. W. Newton, Pope, Spann-Wilder and Pedalino) — Adds Section 2-19-115 to require candidates for magistrate positions to be reviewed by the Judicial Merit Selection Commission in the same manner as other judicial candidates upon vacancies and to define when vacancies occur.

H.3531 (Reps. Pope, Gilliam, Lawson, Wooten, Pedalino and Chumley) — Amends Section 23-47-80, relating to penalties for 911 call abuse including false reporting, to include 911 call abuse via text messaging.

H.3532 (Reps. Pope and Gilliam) — Adds Article 5 to Chapter 8, Title 16 to provide for the offense of furthering terrorism.

H.3533 (Reps. Pope, Gilliam, Lawson and Pedalino) — Amends Section 16-3-600, relating to assault and battery offenses, to add that assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature occurs when a person injures a federal, state or local law enforcement officer or corrections officer, a firefighter or an emergency medical services (EMS) worker in the discharge of or because of their official duties.

H.3534 (Rep. M.M. Smith) — Amends Sections 15-38-15, 15-38-20, 15-38-40 and 15-38-50, all relating to the South Carolina contribution among Tortfeasors Act, to include people or entities for the purposes of allocation of fault, and to add a method triers of fact must use to allocate fault of nonparties.

H.3535 (Reps. Wooten, Pope, Hixon, Gilliam, Robbins, Bailey, Lawson, Chapman, Pedalino and Forrest) — Enacts the "Helping Alleviate Lawful Obstruction (HALO) Act" by adding Section 16-3-1092 to establish the offense of impeding, interfering, threatening or harassing a first responder engaged in the lawful performance of their duties and to provide a penalty.

H.3536 (Rep. Taylor) — Enacts the "South Carolina Hands-Free and Distracted Driving Act" by adding Section 56-5-3995 to outline the circumstances in which it is unlawful to use wireless telecommunications devices.

H.3541 (Reps. Williams and Pedalino) — Amends Section 39-41-255, to provide that every retail motor fuel outlet selling fuel for motor vehicles at retail must charge a price per gallon not stated or computed in fractional cents and must advertise or display this price.

H.3542 (Reps. Williams and Spann-Wilder) — Amends Sections 9-1-1790 and 9-11-90, relating to retirement benefits after returning to covered employment under the South Carolina Retirement System and the Police Officers' Retirement System (PORS), respectively, to remove the $10,000 earnings limitation on employees returning to employment who retired before January 2, 2026.

H.3544 (Rep. Williams) — Adds Section 2-3-240 to allow members of the General Assembly to use athletic clubs or gymnasiums owned by a state or local agency, entity, commission or institution without charge.

H.3545 (Rep. Williams) — Adds Section 58-15-915 to limit the time a train may block four-lane street intersections in municipalities during certain time periods.

H.3546 (Rep. Williams) — Adds Section 58-1-70 to prohibit a public utility that supplies electricity or natural gas pursuant to the provisions of Title 58 from transferring or applying a delinquent, late, overdue or unpaid balance from one account to another account held individually or jointly in the same customer's name.

H.3549 (Reps. Williams and Spann-Wilder) — Amends Sections 17-22-50 and 17-22-60, both relating to eligibility of persons who may participate in pretrial intervention programs, both to remove the limitation on persons previously accepted into an intervention program so that persons may participate more than once.

H.3551 (Reps. B. Newton, Gilliam, Pope and Taylor) — Amends Section 9-1-10, relating to definitions applicable to the South Carolina Retirement System, to clarify earnable compensation does not include certain amounts paid to managers and clerks of elections.

H.3552 (Reps. B. Newton and Taylor) — Adds Section 7-13-42 to require that the candidate who receives the largest number of votes cast for a given office in the primary of a political party is considered that party’s nominee.

H.3553  (Reps. B. Newton, Wetmore, Pope and Taylor) — Amends Section 8-15-65, relating to annual salary supplements for certain county officers, to include directors of county boards of voter registration and elections among those receiving the supplement.

H.3554  (Reps. B. Newton, Pope and Taylor) — Amends Section 8-13-1316, to increase contribution limits a candidate not running for statewide office may receive from a political party through its party committees or legislative caucus committees.

H.3555  (Reps. B. Newton and Taylor) — Amends Section 59-71-40, relating to a school bond election, to require the election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November of any year.

H.3556  (Rep. B. Newton) — Amends Section 7-17-560, relating to the authority of the state executive committee of a political party to hear certain primary protests and contests, to require the committee to also hear protests and contests in the case of county officers.

H.3557 (Reps. B. Newton, Pedalino and Taylor) — Amends Section 7-11-15, relating to qualifications to run as a candidate in general elections, to shorten the candidate filing period, to require all candidates from each political party in this state to pay a filing fee and to authorize political parties to charge a certification fee to all candidates

H.3558 (Reps. Taylor and Pope) — Amends Article 23 of Chapter 1, Title 1, relating to calls or applications for constitutional amends conventions made to Congress, to outline the qualifications, appointment, oath and duties of commissioners appointed to represent the State at an Article V Convention, among other things.

H.3559 (Rep. Williams) — Amends Section 24-3-40, relating to the disposition of the wages of prisoners allowed to work, to disallow the cost for room and board to be deducted from the wages of prisoners paid less than the federally established minimum wage.

H.3560 (Reps. Brewer, Murphy, Robbins, and Mitchell) — Adds Section 57-5-1710 to allow the Department of Transportation to establish and implement a project to award contracts using the "phase design-build" project delivery method.

H.3561 (Reps. Pope, Gilliam and Wooten) — Amends Section 56-5-170, to clarify that certain public safety answering points or radio communication vehicles are "authorized emergency vehicles.”

H.3563 (Reps. Davis, B.J. Cox, Spann-Wilder and McCravy) — Amends Section 25-11-50, relating to county veterans' affairs officers, to require the secretary to evaluate each county veterans' affairs office no less than once per year.

H.3564 (Reps. Davis, B.J. Cox, and Taylor)—Amends Section 25-11-100, relating to South Carolina Military Base Task Force, to rename the task force the South Carolina Military Affairs Advisory Council, to add Aiken as a military county and to make conforming changes.

H.3570 (Reps. Bannister, Spann-Wilder, and W. Newton)—Amends "public member" for purposes of economic interest statements to include a person nominated and appointed to a non-compensated part-time position on a board, commission or council.

H.3571 (Rep. Hiott) — Amends Section 58-36-50, relating to the “Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act,” to make various definition changes for the purposes of excavation and demolition projects.

H.3575 (Reps. Hardee and Schuessler)—Adds Section 38-71-292 and Section 38-71-820 to define terms and outline the applicability and requirements for cost-sharing for insurers.

H.3585 (Rep. Williams) — Adds Section 59-1-456 to provide that an employee may be granted by his employer a specified amount of additional paid leave each year for the purpose of attending certain elementary and secondary school conferences or activities during the employee's work hours or to engage in certain volunteer teaching activities in the schools.

H.3586 (Rep. Williams)—Amends Section 38-71-145, relating to required coverage in individual and group health insurance policies and health maintenance organization polices, to require coverage for maternity care.

H.3588 (Reps. Bowers, Hiott and Taylor)—Adds Section 5-15-112 to require a person seeking election for certain municipal offices by write-in votes to file a timely declaration of write-in candidacy for write-in votes to be counted in their favor.

H.3589 (Rep. J.L. Johnson)—Adds Section 7-13-200 to establish the instant runoff method of conducting certain local elections.

H.3590 (Rep. Kilmartin)—Amends Section 14-23-1040, relating to qualifications of probate judges, to make conforming changes and amends Section 23-11-110, relating to qualifications of sheriffs, to make conforming changes.

H.3592 (Reps. Gatch and Rutherford)—Amends Section 24-13-40, relating to computation of time served by prisoners, to remove the prohibition on people on bond under certain circumstances from receiving credit for time served.

H.3593 (Rep. Gatch)—Amends Section 17-30-30, relating to the interception of wire, oral or electronic communications by employees of the Federal Communications Commission and by people acting under color of law or otherwise, to establish that interception of wire, oral or electronic communications is lawful if all parties consent prior to the interception.

H.3594 (Rep. Henderson-Myers)—Amends Section 17-30-30, to provide that interception of wire, oral, or electronic communications by persons is lawful if all parties consent prior to the interception.

H.3595 (Rep. Henderson-Myers) — Adds Article 25 to Chapter 19, Title 63, to establish juvenile pretrial diversion courts for certain children who commit first-time, nonviolent status offenses or delinquent acts, establish eligibility parameters, and direct the Department of Juvenile Justice to establish detention diversion programs for participants, among other things.

H.3597 (Reps. Robbins, T. Moore, Pope and W. Newton)— Amends Section 17-25-65, relating to the reduction of a sentence for substantial assistance to the state, to require notice to the arresting law enforcement agency and any victims and to require a hearing with findings of fact in a written order.

H.3598 (Rep. Stavrinakis)—Amends Section 14-17-325, relating to requiring clerks of court to report the disposition of each case in General Sessions Court, to require that clerks of court report the disposition of cases to SLED within 48 hours of the issuance of certain orders.

H.3601 (Rep. Henderson-Myers)—Amends the South Carolina Code of Laws by adding Chapter 56 to Title 46 to regulate the sale and distribution of products containing hemp-derived cannabinoids.

H.3602 (Rep. J.L. Johnson)—Enacts "Jaden's Law" by adding Section 50-21-118 to clarify the responsibilities of various law enforcement agencies, first responders and emergency management service providers when certain boating accidents occur, and to require boat landings to be clearly identified.

H.3603 (Reps. Bernstein and Calhoon)—Amends Section 20-4-40, relating to petitions for an order of protection, to designate people who can apply for an order of protection on behalf of a minor.

H.3604 (Rep. King)—Adds section 23-3-560 to allow people who are required to register as sex offenders to petition the court to terminate the registration requirement 10 years from the date of initial registration under certain circumstances and amends section 23-3-460, relating to biannual registration for life, to set the maximum period of registration to 15 years.

H.3611 (Rep. Henderson-Myers)—Creates a committee to study the potential impacts of Medicaid expansion in the state of South Carolina and other purposes.

H.3613 (Rep. Hewitt)—Adds Chapter 12 to Title 44 to create the Executive Office of Health and Policy to include the Departments of Health Financing; Public Health; Aging; Intellectual and Related Disabilities; and Behavioral Health.

H.3619 (Rep. Henderson-Myers)—Adds Section 23-23-165 to require the Law Enforcement Training Council to develop a minimum set of standards that a state or local law enforcement agency must follow when establishing and implementing a mediation program as an alternate method of resolving law enforcement misconduct complaints.

H.3625 (Reps. Murphy, Rutherford, Herbkersman, Brewer, Sessions, Wetmore, and Stavrinakis)—Enacts the "South Carolina Sports Wagering Act" by adding Chapter 55 to Title 39 to allow the operation of sports wagering and ancillary activities in certain circumstances.

H.3628 (Rep. Harris)— Enacts the "Secure, Accurate, and Verifiable Elections Act" or the "Save Act" by amending Section 7-3-20, relating to the duties of the State Election Commission executive director, to require separate lists for active, inactive and archived voter registrations and provide a list to qualified electors for free.

H.3629 (Rep. T. Moore)—Amends Section 48-33-80, relating to the duties and powers of county forestry boards and amends 48-33-80, relating to access to property, to designate who may access land for the purpose of preventing or controlling fires.

H.3636 (Rep. Gilliard)—Expresses the intention of the South Carolina General Assembly to ensure legislation introduced in the 126th South Carolina General Assembly clearly articulates its true intent as it pertains to matters of certain public importance and to characterize this intention as the "cradle-to-grave commitment."

H.3639 (Rep. Beach)—Adds Section 7-13-1180 to allow the county chairperson of a certified political party to instruct county election officials conducting a hand-count audit to include additional precincts, offices or both.

H.3640 (Reps. Bernstein and Collins)—Adds Section 7-11-5 to require primary elections for county, state and federal offices, except for President and Vice President, to be conducted as nonpartisan open primary elections in which the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes advance to the General Election.

H.3642 (Rep. McCabe)—Amends Section 22-1-10, relating to the appointment, term and jurisdiction of magistrates, to establish two classes of magistrates and to provide for the appointment, term and qualifications of Class 2 magistrates.

H.3643 (Reps. B. Newton, Pope, Chapman and Taylor)—Adds Section 7-5-200 to, among other things, limit only electors registered as affiliated with a certified political party or as unaffiliated for a certain period of time to participate in a partisan primary or advisory referendum held by that party.

H.3644 (Rep. Bannister)—Amends Act 919 of 1928, relating to the powers and duties of the Greenville Airport Commission, to increase the authorized total indebtedness to $20 million.

H.3645 (Reps. Bernstein, Herbkersman, Pope, Stavrinakis, Ballentine, Caskey, Collins, Wetmore, Bauer, Rutherford, Cobb-Hunter, Spann-Wilder and W. Newton)—Amends Sections 8-11-150 and 8-11-155, to increase the time for paid parental leave for eligible state employees from six weeks to 12 weeks for employees who give birth and from two weeks to four weeks for entitled employees who do not give birth.

H.3647 (Rep. Harris)—Enacts the "Earmark Transparency Act" by adding Section 2-1-270 to outline how earmarks may be awarded.

H.3648 (Rep. Harris)—Enacts the "Budget Transparency Act" by adding Sections 11-11-60, 6-1-2020 and 30-4-170 to require certain public bodies to make available certain salary information with either the Department of Administration or on its own website.

H.3649 (Reps. Magnuson, Pace and Beach)—Enacts the "U.S. Senate Accountability Act" by adding Chapter 21 to Title 2 to outline how the two United States senators from South Carolina shall appear annually before a joint session of the General Assembly to discuss and review various topics and actions taken by the United States Senate and by them.

H.3650 (Reps. G.M. Smith, Wooten, Pope, Chapman and W. Newton)—Amends section 16-1-60, relating to offenses defined as violent crimes, to include the offense of discharging firearms at or into a dwelling house, other building, structure, enclosure, vehicle, aircraft, watercraft or other conveyance, device or equipment.

H.3651 (Reps. Calhoon and Bernstein) — Amends Section 23-3-540, relating to electronic monitoring of persons convicted of certain sex offenses and penalties, to require active electronic monitoring for persons convicted of the criminal sexual conduct with a minor in the second degree with exceptions.

H.3653 (Reps. Bernstein and Spann-Wilder)—Adds Section 44-61-125 to require that every ambulance operating in the state be equipped with epinephrine auto-injectors.

H.3654 (Reps. Calhoon, Bernstein and Spann-Wilder)—Amends Sections 63-7-1990 and 63-11-550, relating to confidentiality of child welfare records and information, to authorize disclosure of case records to county and State Guardian ad Litem Program staff and to the state child advocate.

H.3655 (Reps. Calhoon, Bernstein and Spann-Wilder)—Amends Section 63-19-820, to eliminate the exception for children to be tried as adults, to decrease the length of time a child may be held in a juvenile detention facility and to provide the automatic expungement of juvenile records for status offenses.

H.3656 (Rep. Ligon)—Adds Section 44-1-320 to prohibit the Department of Environmental Services from denying property owners the right to repair or replace a well or septic tank in certain circumstances.

H.3730 (Reps. J.E. Johnson and Brittain) — Adds Section 17-22-915 to allow for expungement of first offense nonviolent offenses and drug treatment court offenses after certain time periods without pending charges or additional convictions.

H.3731 (Rep. Bernstein) — Repeals Section 2 of Act 201 of 2024 to remove a sunset provision concerning the authority of special purpose districts to own, dispose, acquire, purchase, hold, use, lease, convey, sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of property.

H.3732 (Rep. Cobb-Hunter)Adds Section 41-1-140 to provide employees have the right to the disclosure, deletion, or correction of personal information collected by an employer.

H.3733 (Rep. Bamberg) — Adds Section 12-6-511 to eliminate the imposition of the income tax on individuals, estates, and trusts.

H.3734 (Rep. Cobb-Hunter) — Adds Section 8-15-15 to provide political subdivisions of this state and school districts may, by ordinance or resolution, engage in collective bargaining with their employees, to provide requirements for such ordinances and resolutions, and to provide political subdivisions and school districts shall vote on whether to adopt such an ordinance or resolution in certain circumstances.

H.3735 (Rep. Cobb-Hunter) — Enacts the "Wage Board Act" by adding Section 41-27-670 to provide for the creation of wage boards by the director of the Department of Employment and Workforce, to provide the powers and functions of wage boards and to provide related responsibilities of the director and certain employers.

H.3736 (Rep. W. Newton) — Amends Section 30-2-510, relating to options for law enforcement officers to make personal contact information confidential; exceptions; and procedures to restrict personal contact information in a disclosed record from a publicly available internet website maintained by or operated on behalf of a state or local government.

H.3737 (Rep. Jones) — Enacts the "South Carolina Affordable Housing Tax-exempt (REIT) Act" by adding Chapter 25 to Title 31 to establish a tax-exempt Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) to increase the supply of affordable housing statewide.

H.3738 (Rep. Jones) — Enacts the "South Carolina Housing Development Revenue Enhancement Act" by adding Section 31-3-1700 to enable housing authorities to utilize Tax Increment Financing and other revenue mechanisms to support the development and financing of affordable housing, encourage public-private partnerships, and include project-generated revenues as a secondary source of repayment for bonds issued.

H.3740 (Reps. Mitchell, B.L. Cox, Gilliam and Pace) — Amends Section 8-7-90, relating to leaves of absence for public officers and employees in National Guard or Reserve Military Forces, to provide that certain state employees receive 30 days of paid military leave each year.

H.3741 (Reps. Mitchell, B.L. Cox and Holman) — Amends Section 12-6-1140 to deduct taxable income received as the result of employment as an active-duty service member of the United States Armed Forces.

H.3742 (Reps. Ligon and Lawson) — Amends Section 12-37-250, relating to the homestead property tax exemption to increase the exemption amount from the first $50,000 to the first $75,000 of the fair market value.

H.3743 (Rep. Beach) — Enacts the "South Carolina Ban Against Red Flag Gun Confiscation Act" by adding Article 9 to Chapter 31, Title 23 to define certain terms, to provide it is unlawful to adopt or enforce extreme risk protective orders, and to provide penalties.

H.3750 (Rep. Jones) — Enacts the "Equitable Development and Affordable Housing Act" by adding Section 11-1-130 to provide that certain land must be designated for the development of affordable housing.

H.3753 (Rep. Pedalino) — Enacts the "Amateur Radio Antenna Protection Act" by adding Section 4-1-190 to prohibit a county from enacting or enforcing certain ordinances that do not conform to the amateur radio preemption.

H.3756 (Reps. Herbkersman, Gatch, and Hager) — Amends Section 58-27-1105 to define "qualified independent third party" and to allow an electric utility to include storm recovery costs for Hurricane Helene as party of its cost of capital from the date of the storm through the issuance of storm recovery bonds.

H.3757 (Reps. Caskey, Calhoon, Ballentine, Forrest, Govan, Taylor, and Wooten) — Amends Section 55-11-320, relating to the Richland-Lexington Airport District, to increase the district's membership by two members who must be residents of Cayce or West Columbia.

H.3768 (Reps. Brewer, Gatch, Robbins, Schuessler and Sessions) – Amends Act 36 of 2019 relating to the cost of relocating utilities during transportation improvement projects, by extending the sunset provision another five years, until July 1, 2031.  

H.3770 (Reps. Bailey, Schuessler, Yow, Mitchell, Bradley, Brittain and Brewer) – Amends Section 48-39-130, relating to permits required in critical areas, to change the exemption for normal maintenance or repair of permitted or grandfathered structures. 

H.3771 (Reps. Hartnett, Erickson, M. M. Smith, Wetmore, Bradley, Stavrinakis, Hewitt, Hager, Lawson, Teeple, Brewer, Herbkersman, Landing, Bustos and Spann-Wilder) – Adds Section 50-23-37 to require owners of certain boats anchored in the waters of this State to maintain marine recovery insurance on their boats and provide penalties for violations. 

H.3772 (Reps. Hiott and Hixon) – Adds Section 46-13-250 to require a person to register with and obtain a license from Clemson University before administering a barrier mosquitocide treatment and provide for a penalty. 

H.3774 (Reps. J. E. Johnson, Stavrinakis, Jordan and McCravy) – Amends Section 42-1-560, relating to the notice requirement for filing a third-party action in a worker’s compensation claim, to ensure failing to notify the Workers' Compensation Commission, the employer, and the carrier upon a form prescribed by the Workers' Compensation Commission does not constitute an election of remedy.

H.3776 (Rep. Mitchell) – Amends Section 7-3-25, relating to noncompliant county boards of voter registration and elections, to establish the duties of the State Election Commission providing support and guidance to county boards regarding the conduct of post-election processes, and to require the commission to intervene in counties’ post-election processes when a board’s noncompliance with applicable laws, policies, or procedures could negatively impact the accuracy of the election results or ability to timely certify the results. 

H.3779 (Reps. Teeple, Guffey, Bustos, Brewer, Guest, M. M. Smith, Davis, Hartnett, Landing and Sessions) – Amends Section12-6-1120, relating to gross income, computation of gross income, and modifications to gross income for state income tax purposes, to exclude tips from the computation of South Carolina gross income and to define tips.