Friday Reports

The Friday Report, is prepared and distributed every Friday of the legislative session. The most recent Friday Report will always appear on the home page. 

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Thursday, January 12, 2023 - 9:33am

The General Assembly began the 2023 Legislative Session this week. Because this is the first year of a two-year session, a plethora of bills were prefiled and introduced this week on both side of the chamber. Bills of interest to the counties will be found in the Newly-Introduced Legislation below. There was very little legislative action other than the House Ways and Means subcommittees taking testimony on budget requests and the full committee voting out of committee a bill regarding the use of the state American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The Senate indicated it will be taking up an education bill next week that would pave the way for public funds to be used for private and religious schools.

The South Carolina Association of Counties (SCAC) will host Counties Connect: A Legislative Action Day on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, at the USC Alumni Center in downtown Columbia. Formerly known as the association’s Mid-Year Conference, this is an excellent opportunity to meet with your legislators and discuss issues important to your county. See the detailed information regarding Counties Connect as well as Institute classes that follows the legislative items in this week’s Friday Report. 

Revenue, Finance, and Economic Development

Owen McBride, SCAC Assistant Director of Governmental
Affairs, testifies before the House Ways and Means
Constitutional Budget Subcommittee.

Local Government Fund – The Ways and Means Constitutional Subcommittee met on Tuesday to hear the budget requests for several stateRead Full Report
