Friday Report - March 21, 2025

The South Carolina State House in springtime.The Senate spent a large portion of their time this week on the floor debating several amendments to S. 244, the tort reform bill, in a continued effort to reach a compromise. As of Thursday, the bill remains in Special Order status with debate likely to continue next week. Meanwhile, a Senate Judiciary subcommittee continued taking testimony on H. 3309, the comprehensive energy reform bill, and advanced the legislation to the full committee.

The House met in perfunctory session this week, meaning there were no bills debated on the floor. However, several House committees met, including the House Education and Public Works Committee, which took up H. 3927, relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices, and advanced the bill to the House calendar.

These and other bills of interest are detailed in the Friday Report.

Legislative Session: