Friday Report - February 23, 2024

SCAC President Roy Costner III, SC Senate President Thomas Alexander and Pickens County Councilwoman Claiborne Linvill pose for a photo at the South Carolina State House.The Senate debated several bills this week and passed S.915, which creates the Executive Office of Health and Policy. A Senate Judiciary subcommittee met Wednesday and continued discussions on numerous bills regarding selection of judges. Although most House of Representatives members observed a prescheduled furlough week, the Ways and Means Committee met Tuesday and Wednesday to finalize provisions on the state budget before sending the FY24-25 appropriations bill to the House floor for debate.

Thank you to all the county officials who attended Counties Connect events Tuesday night and Wednesday. Your presence at the State House and conversations with your delegation members were greatly appreciated!

Check out this week's Friday Report for the legislative details relevant to counties: 

Legislative Session: