Friday Report - February 21, 2025

A collage of images from the Counties Connect 2025 conference.Members of the House Ways and Means Committee met Tuesday and Wednesday to debate and pass their version of the 2025-26 state budget (H. 4025). The House continued their work in chamber debating and passing several bills of interest to counties in preparation to debate the budget bill on the floor in a few weeks.  

The Senate spent most of the week in subcommittee meetings receiving testimony on liquor liability (S. 184), tort reform (S. 244) and energy reform (H. 3309). The Senate Finance Committee also advanced several bills of note to the Senate floor.  

Thank YOU to all the county officials who attended Counties Connect: A Legislative Action Day on Wednesday. Your presence at the State House was greatly appreciated! 

Calls to Action:  

This week’s report contains a wealth of information and several action items within. A quick overview of ways you can advocate for county government this coming week are to: 

  • Thank members of the House Ways and Means Committeefor keeping their promise to counties and working to return much-needed funding to county governments throughout the state! 
  • Contact your House representatives and ask them to oppose the Boat Tax Reduction bill (H. 3858) because of the detrimental fiscal impact the bill will have on your county’s finances! 
  • Respond to the fiscal impact request SCAC will send out today on the Assessable Transfer of Interest (ATI)/Point of Sale Cap (H. 3951) to let the General Assembly know the financial impact this bill will have on your county. 
  • Contact Kent Lesesne at if you have any concerns about the Stormwater Exemption for Farm Structures bill (H.3473). SCAC and other stakeholders expressed concerns to a House Agriculture subcommittee about this bill.

Find more details on these issues and other bills of interest to counties in the full Friday Report: Friday Report - Feb. 21, 2025.

Legislative Session: