OSHA 300 Recordkeeping and Injury & Illness Reporting Requirements
Wednesday, December 9, 2020 - 10:00am to 11:30am
This will be an important session for all who maintain OSHA Logs. Content covered will consist of:
- what constitutes a work-related injury or illness that must be recorded on your OSHA 300 log
- how to properly record injuries and illnesses onto your 300 form
- what injuries or illnesses you must report to OSHA
- posting of your annual 300A summary form in the workplace
- electronic submittal of your injury and illness data to OSHA’s federal database
- how to determine if covid-19 related illnesses should be recorded on your OSHA 300 log
To register, simply click on the following link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3427238627804700687
If you have any questions regarding registration, contact Caroline Deevey: CDeevey@scac.sc or 803-252-7255x338.