Counties Connect: A Legislative Action Day

Mark your calendar for SCAC’s Counties Connect: A Legislative Action Day that will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2023, at the Hilton Columbia Center/USC Alumni Center in downtown Columbia. Formerly known as the association’s Mid-Year Conference, this event provides an excellent opportunity for county leaders to connect with their local delegation members to advocate for their counties.
The program will kick off at 10:00 a.m. with a legislative briefing followed by a group visit to the State House while the House and Senate are in session. County leaders will have opportunities to talk with delegation members. Lunch will be provided at the USC Alumni Center, and the program will continue in the afternoon with presentations on timely topics. County officials will also connect with their legislators during the legislative reception that
evening at the Palmetto Club.
Institute of Government classes will be offered in conjunction with the conference on Thursday, Feb. 23. You will receive the registration brochure the first week of January via email. SCAC looks forward to your participation in this day of action and educational offerings!
State Infrastructure Priorities
Justin P. Powell
Chief of Staff
SC Department of Transportation
American Rescure Plan Law, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law & Inflation Reduction Law Update
Eryn Hurly
Director of Government Affairs & Federal Fellowship Initiative
National Association of Counties
South Carolina's Workforce Trends
Erica Von Nessen, Ph.D.
Research Economist
SC Department of Employment and Workforce