Recent News


This week in the General Assembly, the Senate completed its debate and passed the Certificate of Need bill, S. 164, and debated and passed a fetal heartbeat bill, S. 474. The House debated and passed an education bill, H. 3728, that would prohibit certain concepts... Read more


This week in the General Assembly, the Senate debated and passed S. 39, an educational scholarship bill that would allow public funds to be used for students to attend private and religious schools. The Senate also debated S. 164, a bill that would repeal the Certificate of Need requirement for certain health care facilities. The House spent the week debating and passing... Read more


Counties are directly eligible for funding through the Environmental Justice Government-to Government Program. Read NACo's article on the grants.Read more


NACo recently shared new guidance from the Department of Justice clarifying that people on medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act.Read more
