Recent News


SCAC has received the SC Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office’s (RFA’s) memo regarding the FY2022-23 Millage Rate Limitation-Inflation Component. Each county’s millage rate increase limit will be based on 4.70 percent, plus any increase in population. RFA will publish the final millage rate increase limitations once the Census Bureau releases the county population estimates by late March. SCAC will forward the final millage rate limitations for... Read more


SCAC has developed a funding matrix of federal and state funding sources by program area for counties. The document is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather provide an overview of the different resources available. County officials are encouraged to contact the agency listed for additional information.  Read more

The second week of the 2022 Session was abbreviated due to the inclement weather. House Ways and Means subcommittees continued to conduct budget hearings for state agencies and a Senate Finance subcommittee held a hearing to appropriate funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the Savannah River Settlement. These items along with several bills of interest will be discussed below in this week’s Friday Report.
SCAC will host its Mid-Year Conference on Wednesday, Feb. 23 at the Embassy Suites Hotel
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On Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2022, SCAC and clerks to council from many counties had a virtual meeting discussing the partnership between the association and clerks. The purpose of the meeting was to welcome new clerks, introduce SCAC staff and programs, and provide updates on the annual conference and registration changes. Below are links to the slides and the recording of the meeting.


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